
There are number of commands and actions you can execute in the game, these mostly control the GUI and where a button takes you, but there are other commands which perform specific actions like setting flags in the players profile.

Each command seems only to work at the appropriate stage ofthe game.

Commands available in MapWorldView

These commands are normally used in the onclick event of a button.
island{number} : Go to island{number}
selectprofile : Display the profile select screen.
credits : Show the credits movie
quit : Exit the game
wogcorp : Play the active WoG Corp level

Display commands
These commands are normally used in the onmouseenter and onmouseexit events of buttons
island{number}showtext : Show the CHAPTERx_NAME and CHAPTERx_DESCRIPTION text
islandhidetext : Hide the Chapter Name and Description Text
wogcorpshowtext : Show the Name and Description for WoG Corp
wogcorpdshowtext : Show the Name and Description for WoG Corp Destroyed
showtooltip : Show the text specified in the tooltip attribute
hidetooltip : Hide the tooltip

Commands available in Map Levels (Chapters / Islands)

These commands are normally used in the onclick event of a button.
pl_{levelname} : Play the level {levelname}
pm_{moviename} : Play the movie {moviename}
wogcorp_from_island : Play the WoG Corp level, but return to this island when finished.
zoomout : In effect "back".. return to the MapWorldView

Display commands
These commands are normally used in the onmouseenter and onmouseexit events of buttons
ss_{levelname} : Show the Level Name and Number of Goos collected for {levelname}
hs_{levelname} : hide the level name and number of goos collected

Commands available in / after levels

Profile Flags
The commands are used in the onclick event of a button, or in the oncomplete attribute of the <level> in the island.xml
oncomplete actions are executed when the level is "complete".
If the level is "normal" (ie. Pipe collecting Goos) the command is executed when the drop-down continue handle is clicked. ie before the scores are displayed.
If the level has any other type of endcondition, the command is executed when that condition is met.

unlockwogcorp : Set the WoG Corp Unlock Profile Flag (2)
This controls the enabled / disable state of the wogcorp_intact button in MapWorldView

undeletenow : Set the WoG Corp Destroyed Profile Flag (4)
See Special Levels - Undelete Pill for details.
NB: Executing this command in the "oncomplete" does work, however there is then a 20second delay before another button can be pressed.

unlockwhistle : Set the Whistle Found Profile Flag ( 8 )
The whistle becomes active immediately.

accepttermsandconditions : Set the Terms Accepted Profile Flag (16)
This unlocks the Deliverance level see Special Levels - Deliverance

Other Actions
restartlevelyes and restartlevelrightnow
These both appear to do the same thing, which is immediately restart / retry the level.

expandchapter4 : This command appears in the island4.xml as an oncomplete for the Hello World! level. However it does not appear in the game exe, and does nothing.