Ivy Goo to Christmas Balls and Color Lights Wires

Author: Brazzucca
Total downloads: 1,613
Latest version: 1.0
Release date: 12/30/2009 - 15:37
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Christmas Balls and Color Lights Wires

Like the title, changes the Ivy Goo to red Christmas Balls and the goo conectors are now wires of colored lights...

Unfortunately I don't know how to make(or even if possible) another "body.png" work as a different goo for the same goo group, like it was made for the balloons mod. Sorry!

Made thinking for the "Jingle Balls" Mod from "David C"

If the is some problem using the Jingle Balls level image to show my Mod please, tell it.

There is 1 screenshot.

VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
1.0WindowsWed, 12/30/2009 - 15:37com.goofans.brazzucca.christimas.balls.goomod42.6 KB1,613

There is 1 current download.