World of Goo: SHUTDOWN

the world of shutdown!Author: scrungle
Total downloads: 1,127
Latest version: 1.5
Release date: 10/01/2024 - 20:38
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2 years after the events of the original game, you have been tasked with destroying some objects located around the world. What new gooballs and obstacles await?

Update 1: "Release"
-chapter 1!
-nothing else! (yet)

Update 1.5: "The Small-ish Overhaul-ish Update"
Hello! It's been a while since I updated this page, hasn't it... While this isn't chapter 2 , I thought I would quickly change a few smaller things in this update (which should've been done MONTHS ago). Enjoy!
-mapworldview/the title screen is cooler now!!
-the island icons no longer look like they were made in mspaint!
-chapter 3 will no longer be just a icy tundra, but now an icy tundra mixed with a volcano world!!
-more (un)funny loading text has been added
-some OCDs in chapter 1 are more difficult and fun.
-fixed an ocd that didnt work
-the foggy edges in the mountain levels are now gone because they looked really bad on most resolutions.

World of Goo: SHUTDOWN | The Small-ish Overhaul-ish Update!
World of Goo: SHUTDOWN | The Small-ish Overhaul-ish Update!
by Scrungle.
World of Goo: SHUTDOWN | Chapter 1 Trailer
World of Goo: SHUTDOWN | Chapter 1 Trailer
by Scrungle.

There are 2 videos.

There are 2 screenshots.

the world of shutdown!
the (old) world of shutdown!
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
1.5AllTue, 10/01/2024 - 20:38World of Goo SHUTDOWN Chapter 1.goomod11.31 MB191
1AllTue, 03/26/2024 - 22:02SHUTDOWN Chapter 1.goomod11.03 MB936

There is 1 current download. Show 1 archived download.