Goo pics anyone?

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Goo pics anyone?Dracolich03/05/2008 - 15:46

I'm kind of curious to see what structures/techniques other folks have come up with for solving various problems.  Or even funny/strange/amazing things that people have managed to build with goo.  Anyone have any favorite screen caps they want to share or is everyone afraid to reveal their super seekrit World of Goo Corp tower techniques?

As a note to the developers which I really should post on the suggestions page but I'm likely too lazy to do so: A zoom ability especially on World of Goo Corp would make it much easier to share good pics of overall structures.  Unless of course there already is one and I'm just too lame to notice it.

Re: Goo pics anyone?Ballisticsfood03/05/2008 - 16:54

My avatar is currently set to a picture of goo... and it's likely to be like that for a while.

As for my super seekrit goo tower designs, you shall never set eyes on them! Harhar! I will now proceed to eat the peice of paper upon which I have written my plans for goo-domination!


Ahem. I do apologise for that outburst. Screenshots of goo structures that are completely unrelated to my WoG Corp tower will appear shortly.

Re: Goo pics anyone?Dracolich03/05/2008 - 17:55

Well, you can't blame a feller for tryin'!  Every time I think I've gotten some where I see new clouds floating ever higher above my WoGCo tower. *snif* I did get up to 38th at one point but it was unstable and died an unseemly death.  Of course, if they plan on putting all the goo from the new episodes into WoGCo goo management will be a nightmare (it already sort of is).

Re: Goo pics anyone?Dracolich03/06/2008 - 15:16

Okay, well I started this thread so I'd like to post a particular favorite I just banged out on Impale Sticky.  This is my record so far but I'm thinking with luck and timing I can shave another gooball or two off.  I'm sure it'll turn out that I'm way off and everyone here has a better strat but what the hey, I'll expose myself to ridicule.

Oh, and for anyone here who is interested in trying captures and hasn't done it before I recommend FRAPS (  The basic version is free and you can use MS Paint or GIMP to convert them to .jpg format so they'll be small enough to upload.  I know print screen actually works in WoG but it's much easier to take a series of shots with FRAPS since alt-tab isn't working yet.

Attachment: WorldOfGoo 2008-03-06 13-03-41-59.jpg (72.26 KB, 508 downloads)
Re: Goo pics anyone?Ballisticsfood03/06/2008 - 17:44

Here's a fun floating thingy i made on the last level of the preview. Not much point, it's just a thingy...

Re: Goo pics anyone?Dracolich03/06/2008 - 18:14

I like it.  I assume it's tethered to the balloon bolts?

Re: Goo pics anyone?Ballisticsfood03/07/2008 - 05:16

Yep. Only problem is that if you remove only one of the tethers the whole thing veers sideways into the wall, which then pulls it apart. In a hilarious way.

Re: Goo pics anyone?Hellspark03/07/2008 - 05:20

  Y O U  C A N  U S E  A L T + E N T E R 

                  T O

  E X I T / E N T E R      F U L L  S C R E E N !

Re: Goo pics anyone?Ballisticsfood03/07/2008 - 05:22

erm? what has that got to do with anything?

or was it just a joyous shout of realisation?

Re: Goo pics anyone?Dracolich03/07/2008 - 05:30

Your construction inspired me to build one of my own.  Unfortunately just the sort of wild swinging you described caused me to lose the whole thing in a magnificent shower of goo balls.  Perhaps we have hit upon a new challenge?  Or at least an artistic endeavor.  A thread voting for the 'Best Tethered Derrigible"?

Re: Goo pics anyone?Ballisticsfood03/07/2008 - 08:10

Or maybe the most artistic goo structure... I made a smiley face once.

And I can call my collapsed towers modern art!

Re: Goo pics anyone?Dracolich03/07/2008 - 16:55

Okay, admittedly all my inspiration for this comes from Ballisticsfood.  Consider it a tribute.  But I just couldn't live until I had my very own evil dirigible. 

The interesting thing here is that the structure is very nearly neutrally buoyant.  It just sort of bobs about on its tethers, never pulling them tight.

Attachment: WorldOfGoo 2008-03-07 14-47-12-23.JPG (51.78 KB, 495 downloads)
Re: Goo pics anyone?X-Tender03/08/2008 - 05:40

[quote author=Dracolich link=topic=18.msg151#msg151 date=1204834605]
Okay, well I started this thread so I'd like to post a particular favorite I just banged out on Impale Sticky.  This is my record so far but I'm thinking with luck and timing I can shave another gooball or two off.  I'm sure it'll turn out that I'm way off and everyone here has a better strat but what the hey, I'll expose myself to ridicule.

Oh, and for anyone here who is interested in trying captures and hasn't done it before I recommend FRAPS (  The basic version is free and you can use MS Paint or GIMP to convert them to .jpg format so they'll be small enough to upload.  I know print screen actually works in WoG but it's much easier to take a series of shots with FRAPS since alt-tab isn't working yet.

I'am just currious, how did you managed the 1 Goo Connection on the side?!

Re: Goo pics anyone?Ballisticsfood03/08/2008 - 08:52

The new and improved goo blimp. I call it the Goo hindenburg, because it has a tendency to self destruct.

And a question, should I start a Goo art thread for particularly beautiful goo pictures?

oh, and I'd guess the 1 goo connection was caused by his tower falling into the spikes.

Re: Goo pics anyone?Dracolich03/08/2008 - 16:18

[quote author=X-Tender link=topic=18.msg265#msg265 date=1204972830]
I'am just currious, how did you managed the 1 Goo Connection on the side?!

When I attached the goo to the side of the cliff one of the two links it made went right through the spinning blades.  As soon as it was created, the blades destroyed it.  I didn't lose any Goos, however, and that's what is important!

Re: Goo pics anyone?Dil99903/08/2008 - 20:59

The interesting thing about this one is that it is perfectly balanced.  Putting even a single goo ball on the branches would cause them to start doing flips, and the entire structure would slowly begin sinking.

Attachment: Scales1.JPG (58.91 KB, 474 downloads)
Attachment: scales2.JPG (44.56 KB, 480 downloads)
Re: Goo pics anyone?Generic03/08/2008 - 22:39

This game is so awesome.

Re: Goo pics anyone?Ballisticsfood03/09/2008 - 05:44

Awesome design there dil999. Looks kinda like it should go veering off to destruction at the slightest touch...

Anyways, a few more pictures (I apologise for them being ludicrously huge, I can't seem to make them smaller)

We must go to Mordor and destroy the ring! Hehe.

Something they didn't tell you about Fisty was that he's violently allergic to goo, and projectile vomits whenever he eats them. Silly frog.

Did you know that big stone gooballs can wear silly hats? It's true!

Three utterly pointless screenshots there. Enjoy.

Re: Goo pics anyone?Dil99903/09/2008 - 05:56

Third one made me lol.
To make them smaller, attach them directly to your post (instead of linking to them)
The attach option is located under additional options.

Re: Goo pics anyone?Ballisticsfood03/09/2008 - 08:30

Thanks for the tip. and here's my first small picture. Rather pretty, I think.

Attachment: goo boat.jpg (38.65 KB, 512 downloads)
Re: scukoCarp04/12/2008 - 16:24

[quote author=scuko link=topic=18.msg716#msg716 date=1208004054]
Spamful quote removed.

Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam, lovely Spam, wonderful Spam.

Last modified Sat, 04/12/2008 - 17:19 by Ballisticsfood
Re: Goo pics anyone?Ballisticsfood04/12/2008 - 17:19

Monty python makes me lol, at the same time as reflecting my opinions perfectly.