Balls to the main menu and loading screen

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Balls to the main menu and loading screenBallisticsfood03/12/2008 - 13:12

Has anyone else discovered the little goo-ball fun to be had on the main menu? Has anyone found any other hidden games / fun stuff?

Also, why are you placating your publishers? Spinning violently around the Y axis I can understand, and Homogenising goo is obviously required, but are your publishers really that irate?

Re: Balls to the main menu and loading screenX-Tender03/12/2008 - 14:51

Yaah, i've disovered the main menue goos too :D .. its fun to try to throw all them away :D ..

Re: Balls to the main menu and loading screenBallisticsfood03/12/2008 - 15:48

Try getting them in orbit too! It's really more fun than it should be...

Re: Balls to the main menu and loading screenOoso03/17/2008 - 10:21

yeah, but they always seem to "land" at the goo-corporation...

Re: Balls to the main menu and loading screenRichVR03/22/2008 - 13:59

Thanks for pointing this out. I now spend altogether too much time at the main menu.

Re: Balls to the main menu and loading screenmatto199003/22/2008 - 19:10

Same, here. I never noticed this before  >:( :P

Re: Balls to the main menu and loading screenBotulino11/07/2008 - 09:52

I resurrect this thread to point out this little gem of menu-design!
I discovered it today when I noticed grab marks appearing when hovering the cursor on the balls!
I haven't managed to launch a ball in a constant orbit yet, but I'll devise a goo planetarium before soon!

Re: Balls to the main menu and loading screenninetailorochimaru01/01/2009 - 13:04

you guys should read what i put down in a post it might shock you.