Take this Gaming Survey, and help in the creation of a quality game!

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Take this Gaming Survey, and help in the creation of a quality game!fprefect11111/01/2008 - 06:16


I'm creating a game for my Major Design Project in my final year at school, and one of the first requirements is for me to investigate my market. This community's part of my (not yet specific) market, being game players and all.

I know, feel like I'm kind of crashing the party not posting a goo-related thread. It's an excellent game, so I figured I'd want to have some people who appreciate good game design to take the survey.

Just hoping you guys'd be keen and interested in taking part - I'm going to post the results and analysis in around two weeks, it'll be interesting to see how things turn out. This survey is being posted across a few communities, so there'll hopefully be enough responses that the results will be pretty valid. All it requires is your input... it won't take long, I promise :)

So: Take the survey!

Re: Take this Gaming Survey, and help in the creation of a quality game!spliter11/01/2008 - 22:22

Let me know how it turns out ;)

Re: Take this Gaming Survey, and help in the creation of a quality game!BMH11/02/2008 - 04:58

The sims isn't a simulation. Just to make that clear :)