An Ode to Goo

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An Ode to GooTheGooBallGuru11/10/2008 - 12:41

Oh goo, there you are, so sticky
Built in towers that look so icky
But when I look real close and far
I see your goo balls for what they are
Hard workers for a common cause
To feed the people (and Santa Clause)
With your shiny gloss and irresistable smell
I makes you want to go out and yell
"What delicious goo balls these are today!"
And the whole of World of Goo will say "Hooray!"
For it is you the goo balls, of many varieties
That please the taste buds of many societies
So now you see, my dear old goo
How so many people are fond of you
And how your life is given not in vein
The World of Goo Corporation will bring no pain
And your death will be a sad time, that everyone will mourn
But people will rejoice seeing what it was given for
And all of the animals, the Nooks and the Clysics
Will thank World of Goo for this thing we call physics

-A poem by The Goo Ball Guru

Re: An Ode to GooMashandar11/10/2008 - 19:39

wow, nice  :D