Ubuntu 8.10 on Acer Aspire One. Severe Lag.

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Ubuntu 8.10 on Acer Aspire One. Severe Lag.ElusiveMoose04/20/2009 - 17:45

Installation was smooth, but as soon as I ran the game, it would only refresh every second or so.  What's up?

Re: Ubuntu 8.10 on Acer Aspire One. Severe Lag.Soultaker04/20/2009 - 17:51

What kind of graphics hardware are you using? Did you activate one of the proprietary drivers?

Re: Ubuntu 8.10 on Acer Aspire One. Severe Lag.TheHermit04/21/2009 - 09:41

I'm running WoG on the AAO using the defaulty Linpus OS, and whilst not smooth it is playable on every level.

Sounds like your graphics drivers are running in software rather than hardware mode.
Search the forum for how to check if you are or not, and what to do to fix it.