Fatal Error @ World of Goo Corporation

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Fatal Error @ World of Goo Corporationedmundito10/14/2008 - 12:13

Okay so I built a tall unstable tower, and as it was collapsing I decided to click the Exit button in shame, but instead the game froze totally. Then I noticed this Fatal Error window which unfortunately I could not copy the text out of. I ran World of Goo again and my profile seemed fine, but I haven't gone to the world of goo corporation yet.

I'm currently half way through chapter 3, if that's of any importance. I figured it was the exiting while collapsing that did it.

Update: I found this log file under the world of goo folder:


Exception: Access Violation (code 0xc0000005) at address 004B0ED3 in thread 12D8
Module: WorldOfGoo.exe
Logical Address: 0001:000AFED3

0013FBBC 004B0ED3 0001:000AFED3 WorldOfGoo.exe
Params: 0952D0E0 0013FCD8 003E56A0 0013FC28

0952D0E0 00425BCE 0001:00024BCE WorldOfGoo.exe
Params: 005CF9A4 00000000 005CF45C 00000000

005CF984 005CF994 0002:00042994 WorldOfGoo.exe
Params: 00420C40 005EC830 00425290 004BC4F0

00411A10 004206F0 0001:0001F6F0 WorldOfGoo.exe
Params: 082444F6 56097401 1625E9E8 04C48300

StackWalk failed (error 0)

EAX:01384508 EBX:0952D0E0 ECX:00000000 EDX:FFFFFFFF ESI:01384508 EDI:003E56A0
EIP:004B0ED3 ESP:0013F990  EBP:0013FBBC
CS:001B SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000

Windows Ver: NT 5.1 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
DDraw Ver: 5.03.2600.5512
DSound Ver: 5.3.2600.5512

Product: Product
Time Loaded: 00:33:44
Fullscreen: No
Primary ThreadId: 12D8

Last modified Wed, 10/15/2008 - 09:06 by edmundito