Can you switch the World of Goo Corporation themes?

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Can you switch the World of Goo Corporation themes?Jagger10/16/2008 - 08:33

Just finished the game on the Wii (thx 2D Boy for making me stay up all night lol). And I was wondering is it possible to go back to the Cyber Green theme (Virtual World of Goo Corporation) or the previous seasons after beating the game or do I just have to start over. It would be awesome if you could switch the themes. I guess WiiWare version is too late but maybe the PC/Mac/Linux versions can get a patch to do so?

Last modified Thu, 10/16/2008 - 08:35 by Jagger
Re: Can you switch the World of Goo Corporation themes?The Happy Friar10/16/2008 - 10:23

i liked the green theme better to.  :)  I'm betting someone could mod it for the computer versions.  :)