Game does not start

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Game does not startcolbsure10/16/2008 - 13:44

I bought the full game last night and played for a few hours - apart from the black screen with music at startup (fixed by the ALT+ENTER trick) I had a great time.

I also installed it at work today to play at lunchtime!

Tonight I got home, clicked on the "World of Goo" icon to play again and... nothing!  In task manager it appears and then quickly disappears.  I have done nothing to my system in the interim except reboot.

A re-install did nothing.

This is XP SP3 with an E8400 CPU and an NVidia 7600GT, 3Gb of ram.



Re: Game does not startcolbsure10/16/2008 - 13:53

Just to add some detail - a file "crash.txt" gets created in the executable directory whenever I try to run it - I have attached it...

Attachment: crash.txt (2.85 KB, 145 downloads)
Re: Game does not startcolbsure10/17/2008 - 02:40

....just for information: after updating my graphics drivers, turning off DEP and turning off my virus checker I discovered that my USB soundcard had been unplugged.

SO... if you try to start WoG and it immediately fails with no visible message: CHECK YOUR SOUNDCARD!

LOL.  ;D