Unable to finish level at this resolution.

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Unable to finish level at this resolution.Rev10/18/2008 - 12:30

Set the game to 1680x1050 in the config.txt, and this is what happens when I finally beat a level:

Can't continue, escape or go back.
[edit]This happens at 1600x1200 too.

Last modified Sat, 10/18/2008 - 13:49 by Rev
Re: Unable to finish level at this resolution.BeSD10/18/2008 - 16:51

Be glad your system didn't explode. :P

Maybe their will be a fix in an upcoming patch.

Re: Unable to finish level at this resolution.Stef10/19/2008 - 06:53

Definitely an issue. I just tried in my screen native resolution (1920x1200), I can't end a level.

Re: Unable to finish level at this resolution.Stef10/19/2008 - 07:18

Damn it, even in 1600x1200 it doesn't work !

Re: Unable to finish level at this resolution.diamondfire10/20/2008 - 01:36

To be fair, the config file does tell you not to change anything, and running in a window (alt+tab) can help overcome the pixelation...

Re: Unable to finish level at this resolution.pyris11/17/2008 - 12:45

this probably could have caused a computer explosion, for real ..... just think , 1 those kids in africa with the laptops u wind up with hand crank for power could have thought it needed more power to get the finish button to apear , then started cranking and cranking and cranking until.... boom !

sure am glad they dont sell those hand crankers here . i would hate to be sitting next to a frustrated cranker on the buss :-P

Re: Unable to finish level at this resolution.Soultaker11/17/2008 - 19:29

Are you using the latest version (1.20) of the game? I understand that that fixes most of these bugs.

Re: Unable to finish level at this resolution.pyris11/18/2008 - 07:54

lol no. i am forced to wait for patches to be released as the retail box i have does not allow for downloading of the new game like direct downloaders and steamers get.

Re: Unable to finish level at this resolution.pyris11/18/2008 - 07:56

oh , as a side note , this is the reason i have not reported a few bugs i have never seen mentoned by anyone else . i dont know if they are fixed by new versions :-/

got a good list of bugs never mentioned on the forums. hoping to discover at leasty 1 didnt get fixed so when i update i can report and feel usefull :-O