Demo save file compatibility?

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Demo save file compatibility?BeeZeroOne10/21/2008 - 15:09


I absolutely love the demo version of the game which I downloaded a few days ago, and I want to upgrade to the full version. Thing is, I got a little addicted and OCDed every level in the first chapter. Will I be able to keep my profile for the full version? I REALLY don't want to lose those OCDs as some of them (Fisty's Bog, Tower of Goo) took me absolutely ages.

Any help would be much appreciated.

(Also, when I try and run the demo on my laptop, I get a fatal error stating that it failed creating the Direct3D device. Do I need updated graphics card drivers? I have DirectX9.0c, so it can't be that.)

Re: Demo save file compatibility?ron10/21/2008 - 15:40

yeah, you should be able to install the full game and keep you progress.

Re: Demo save file compatibility?BeeZeroOne10/23/2008 - 14:20

OK, thanks for the help!

Re: Demo save file compatibility?Siemer10/24/2008 - 13:27

Weird, I installed the full version over the demo but it seems to have picked up an old version of my profile saves. Not much is lost though, so I don't mind, but you might wanna try and make a backup or something if you have all OCD ;)