refreshrate too high

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refreshrate too highcoret10/24/2008 - 05:48

Hello all,
I downloaded the demo of steam to have a look at this game but it looks like the game immediately yanks the refreshrate up to the maximum my graphics card can handle (8800GT so quite high). unfortunately my display can't handle it and goes in to "out of range"
Is there anyway you can manually force the refresh rate on the game to stay below a certain point?


Re: refreshrate too highThe Happy Friar10/24/2008 - 07:21

mine goes up to 75hz.  BUT... I told my ATI drivers to only allow the max refresh I specified & WoG went to that.  I'm sure the nvidia drivers have the same function in them.

Re: refreshrate too highJay Rod05/27/2009 - 16:45

Not sure if you found an answer to this but here's a link for NVIDIA that shows how to throttle the Direct X refresh rate:

Happy Goo!