Did not receive email upon purchase

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Did not receive email upon purchaseablecain11111/06/2008 - 18:33

Hi everyone,

I was hoping to see if anyone else had had this problem:

I purchased World of Goo from the site, using the Buy Now link and using a credit card.  I supplied a valid email address, and have checked my spam folders, and yet I have not received a confirmation email with the link for downloading.

Has anyone got any suggestions?  I noticed there was a PayPal logo on the payment screen even though I was paying with credit card.  Do I need to have an account with PayPal, too?  I didn't see anything saying that I did.

It's been about an hour or so since the purchase and still no email.


Re: Did not receive email upon purchaseablecain11111/06/2008 - 18:45

Okay, so I see other people have had this problem, so sorry to post a redundant topic.  But I haven't found a thread yet where the problem has been resolved.

Re: Did not receive email upon purchaseablecain11111/06/2008 - 18:52

Jeez, okay, so I have no idea what happened to my first email, but I just tried the link to have the manual ebot resend my message.  The first two times nothing.  Then I entered my receipr number INCLUDING DASHES and it worked.  Are you kidding me?

Anyway, problem solved.

Re: Did not receive email upon purchasefloyduk11/08/2008 - 15:07

I'm having the same problem. No email arrived and neither of the 2 methods on the online form are working. The first says it finds my email address and resent the email but nothing arrives. The second one says it can't find my order.

The last message mentioned dashes in the transaction ID. Huh? My Paypal transaction ID doesn't have any dashes in it.

Can anyone help?


Re: Did not receive email upon purchasebnetz11/15/2008 - 05:45

same problem for me ... i would appreciate if in the "support"-forum an moderator would reply within some days. i see that you guys are "drowning in mails", but this is business, sorry.  >:(

Re: Did not receive email upon purchasekyle11/15/2008 - 07:42

Have you all received emails now? If you are still having trouble, please let us know here: http://2dboy.com/contact.php

Paypal was undergoing maintenance tonight, and it delayed the mechanism that alerts our server about orders by an hour or two. It looks like all the mails have been sent now.