A naughty tortie

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A naughty tortiepapillon05/29/2009 - 16:47

My beautiful 2 yr old brindle tortie, Treacle.

[img width=302 height=248]http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v285/144/15/743490102/n743490102_3242795_4949.jpg[/img]

[img width=302 height=274]http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v271/144/15/743490102/n743490102_3124858_9762.jpg[/img]

Re: A naughty tortieDEFE05/30/2009 - 01:59

That's a nice cat. The little patches of brown are cute. Haha, this is the first time I've heard the term "tortie." I was expecting to see a tortoise in here. But I wasn't that far off considering Wikipedia says tortie is short for tortoiseshell cat. Thanks to you and that article, I now know the proper name for my cat. Tortoiseshell and white. Thanks for sharing! It's always great to see new cats pop up on the forum.

Last modified Sat, 05/30/2009 - 02:02 by DEFE
Re: A naughty tortieYcheneo06/09/2009 - 00:14

          Wow cute cat. Where can you get this cat?

How Can