FIRST Overdrive

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FIRST OverdriveDil99903/22/2008 - 22:19

If you don't know what FIRST is, it is a yearly worldwide high-school competition, where teams are given 6 weeks to construct a robot to accomplish a specific task, and then go to massive competitions to compete against others, sometimes even flying across the country or the world to compete. 

This year my high school (consisting of only 8th and 9th graders right now, they will add a higher grade every year) entered for their first time, and we got second place, which my teacher said he never saw before.  (My teacher led a different team last year, who won the entire competition.)  We entered the Davis Regional.
We scored 13th place in the preliminary rounds, out of 38, and when the top 8 teams picked who would be on their alliances we turned out to be the next in line to compete, so if one robot stopped working we would take its place.  We ended up competing in the finals after another robot's transmitter broke and losing by only 2 points (our robot could do nothing but drive and turn).

Did anyone else compete this year?  I'm interested to see how it turned out for you guys.

Re: FIRST OverdriveThe Happy Friar03/22/2008 - 22:33

is this the competition with the lego-based robots?

Re: FIRST OverdriveDil99903/22/2008 - 23:22

That is another competition run by FIRST.  There is the Jr. Lego Competition, for elementary schoolers, the Lego Competition, for middle schools, the tech competition, which is VEX robots, and the main event, the Robotics Competition, for high schoolers.