"Install" translation on a Mac

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"Install" translation on a Macalixe12/25/2008 - 08:30


I have tried to find the solution in the forums, but no luck... hence my question.
I have downloaded the text.bin.xml for French. Now what do I do with it to make the Goo game in French? I have a Mac.

Help much appreciated.

Re: "Install" translation on a MacNicosmos12/26/2008 - 07:30

Hi ! :D
The solution is explained in French here : http://goo.fr.free.fr/forum/read.php?5,10 ;)
But you will have to find the WoG installation directory on Mac (and I will add this info on the tutorial) ...

Re: "Install" translation on a Macalixe12/26/2008 - 17:36

same question ... which directory on Mac OS X to put the text.bin.xml ??

I have downloaded the game recently (on hte 25/12) and it was not in French directly.

Re: "Install" translation on a Macph.mongeau12/26/2008 - 17:57

right clic on the world of goo app, clic on "show package content" (or "afficher le contenu du paquet" if your mac is in french) and than, follow this path content/resources/game/properties

Re: "Install" translation on a Macalixe01/15/2009 - 09:23

Aaahhh. Thanks, I will try that at some point.
It is more for my dad, as I am cool with English. Fingers crossed!