A Request? How about that...

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A Request? How about that...FluffyWolf201/08/2009 - 19:34

Well, I'm going to fiddle with making mods, and the like, but not entirely sure how you go about doing such clever things. (As with the santa hats and snowy corp)

Needless to say though, I don't know if it is possible but you could make a mod that would be two versions. One with animation (if possible) and one without. What should it be? Mac's have the "Spinning Beach Ball" so an animated version would be the goo's all spinning, and one would be without. Just an idea.

What is all possible with mods? Like the one makes it snow and Goo Corp, could you make it rain firey hailstones? O.o?

Re: A Request? How about that...Nic Freed01/08/2009 - 20:58

everythings is possible with your


Re: A Request? How about that...spazturtle01/09/2009 - 12:09

Yes you can make it rain helll stones, you edit the leaves to look like hell stones

Re: A Request? How about that...FluffyWolf201/09/2009 - 19:28

Where can I find some info on how to package the stuff I want correctly? Or in other words just the changes that I make. I'd like to make a new ball goo common thing, and want to know how to properly (key word) change, package, and then make into a .goomod file.

Any help? Places to read? Thanks!

Re: A Request? How about that...FluffyWolf201/10/2009 - 12:20

A little confusion. I'm attempting to do a minor mod, where I change GooCorp Goo's. Thought it would be a good practice and get an understanding.

Anyway I have what I feel is the architecture of the addin.


Then I zip and rename to *.goomod for the file name.
Finally I go to "GooTool" and attempt to 'Install new Addin' but get this error message:

Invalid addin: No manifest found, is this an addin?

What file am I missing/need to create? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

Re: A Request? How about that...FluffyWolf201/10/2009 - 13:26

Nevermind I got it working!!! =) I'll work on it some more so it doesn't look ugly xD!