Signpost Confusion

Signpost Confusion | GooGun | 01/10/2009 - 15:18 |
I managed to make a working goomod file today! But now, another mystery remains to be resolved... I don't have any idea how to set up signposts! | ||
Re: Signpost Confusion | FluffyWolf2 | 01/10/2009 - 18:21 |
Went and read up on the wiki for WOGEditor thing. This is what I found: Quote: [=14pt]signpost[/] Let me know if that helps at all. | ||
Re: Signpost Confusion | XDboy | 01/10/2009 - 18:24 |
if you decrypt text.xml.bin with wogfile.exe or scanbinfile.exe than it's perfectly readable. | ||
Re: Signpost Confusion | GooGun | 01/11/2009 - 08:38 |
Ok, I seemed to have managed to get it. However, I tried replacing the file with the xml by renaming it to xml.bin, but WOGEditor now no longer starts... | ||
Re: Signpost Confusion | My-Key | 01/11/2009 - 09:09 |
To add text to signpost you have to do goomod with only 2 files - text.xml.xsl (in folder merge\properties) and addin.xml. Into text.xml.xsl you have to put texts to signposts. | ||
Re: Signpost Confusion | GooGun | 01/11/2009 - 09:20 |
I know how to set the text, the problem is that I can't input it in my level... whenever I enter the string, WoGEditor just erases it... | ||
Re: Signpost Confusion | My-Key | 01/11/2009 - 09:29 |
You have to do mod with texts and mod game first, because WoGeditor only sees texts whitch are in game. | ||
Re: Signpost Confusion | GooGun | 01/11/2009 - 10:38 |
Good, I managed to get the signposts after installing the addin, and re-editing the file. Thanks for all the help! :) |