Signpost Confusion

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Signpost ConfusionGooGun01/10/2009 - 15:18

I managed to make a working goomod file today! But now, another mystery remains to be resolved... I don't have any idea how to set up signposts!

I can't edit the text.xml.bin since it's utter gibberish. Any idea on how I am meant to set those up? :S

Re: Signpost ConfusionFluffyWolf201/10/2009 - 18:21

Went and read up on the wiki for WOGEditor thing. This is what I found:


<signpost alpha="real" colorize="rgb_color" depth="real" image="string" name="string" x="real" y="real" rotation="real" scalex="real" scaley="real" text="text" particles?="fx">

Defines a sign-post usually used to provide types or story telling.
* alpha: transparency factory. Always set to 1.
* colorize: ? 3 values found (0,0,0), (128,128,128) & (255,255,255)
* depth: ? Z position in camera space. range in -800 to +100. Most frequent is -8.
* image: ? reference to an image resource. Most level have a unique image that is reused accross sign post.
* name: ? just an name for edition ?
* x: ? X position in camera space
* y: ? Y position in camera space 
* rotation: rotation around the Z axis in degress. Usually in range [-180,+180].
* scalex: ? widden factor? Usually in range [0.7,1.3]
* scaley: ? widden factor? Usually in range [0.7,1.3] 
* text: reference id for text painted on the sign-post.
* particles: ? Reference to particule effect applied to sign-post. Not present for most level. An handful have the value "signpostAlertMom"

Let me know if that helps at all.

Re: Signpost ConfusionXDboy01/10/2009 - 18:24

if you decrypt text.xml.bin with wogfile.exe or scanbinfile.exe than it's perfectly readable.
read the readme of WOG editor.

Re: Signpost ConfusionGooGun01/11/2009 - 08:38

Ok, I seemed to have managed to get it. However, I tried replacing the file with the xml by renaming it to xml.bin, but WOGEditor now no longer starts...

Re: Signpost ConfusionMy-Key01/11/2009 - 09:09

To add text to signpost you have to do goomod with only 2 files - text.xml.xsl (in folder merge\properties) and addin.xml. Into text.xml.xsl you have to put texts to signposts.

You can see how it looks in for example Jingle Balls.

Re: Signpost ConfusionGooGun01/11/2009 - 09:20

I know how to set the text, the problem is that I can't input it in my level... whenever I enter the string, WoGEditor just erases it...

How do I make it accept the string?

Re: Signpost ConfusionMy-Key01/11/2009 - 09:29

You have to do mod with texts and mod game first, because WoGeditor only sees texts whitch are in game.

Re: Signpost ConfusionGooGun01/11/2009 - 10:38

Good, I managed to get the signposts after installing the addin, and re-editing the file. Thanks for all the help! :)