How to install ????

How to install ???? | Lockmaster | 02/14/2009 - 17:56 |
Am I the only one who doesn't know how to install the various levels offered by members? I have GooTool and have installed the 5 GooMod files available but the rest that are offered in this forum seem to be packages that need to be copied in some manner to WoG. These packages all contain various folders and files including xml's. Do they need to be loaded in the WoG Editor first? That is another mystery to me as I tried to find and load the editor but have not been able to. Would someone care to write some detailed instructions here? I would certainly appreciate it and probably alot of others would as well. | ||
Re: How to install ???? | FluffyWolf2 | 02/14/2009 - 19:43 |
Well, I have no answer, because I'm like yourself. So don't feel alone! I would imagine though that if the architecture of the *.zip or other files is similar to a *.goomod then you'd be able to install through GooTool. In all honesty, I try to stick to only GooMod files, because I'd like to see GooTool really take off and people use it as a standard :) | ||
Re: How to install ???? | Lockmaster | 02/14/2009 - 21:37 |
Here is one example posted by Kopa -,1410.0.html | ||
Re: How to install ???? | MattOG | 02/15/2009 - 02:26 |
Easy as pie once you know how. :) :) Quote: <addin spec-version="1.0"> ......NOTE...... Please take into account the "" marks, and the spaces in the names. Where LEVELNAME has no space, don't put one in for the level. Also please note, the OCD is best left as is. The levels you have to compile like this won't have one set anyway. Last note, the 'com.goofans.level.' bit isn't needed, but it's a good ID for the level. Replace the bits in red to match the level. The main bits are the level names. Ok. Next. If the folder has .xml/.png files AND .bin files. goto #3. 2. Open gootool, at the top click on 'advanced->decrypt'. Choose the right setting. Point to the directory containing the level and click open. Then point to it again and click save. If done right, you'll now have .xml files with the rest. (If there are .png.binltl files, do those too with the decrypt option for them). 3. Create 2 directories, 'compile' 'override'. Inside these, create a sub folder called 'res', then inside that called 'levels' and finally inside that called 'LEVELNAME'. (The same name you used in the .xml) So if the level is called bright sunshine your folders will look like below. Level Folder ->compile->res->levels->BrightSunshine ->override->res->levels->BrightSunshine 4. Inside the compile->res->levels->'LEVELNAME' folder, put the .xml files. 5. Inside the override->res->levels->'LEVELNAME' folder, put the .png images. 6. There is a 'merge' folder with the same structure, but if that's needed, it will be a goomod file already ;). 7. Ok, a final file check. Look below. addin.xml compile->res->levels->'LEVELNAME'->*.xml files override->res->levels->'LEVELNAME'->*.png images 8. If that looks good. Select the addin.xml and the compile and override folders and right click->add to archive/zip. make sure it's set to .zip file and click ok. 9. When you have your zip file. Rename the .zip part to .goomod. and you're all done. :) Hope this helps. :) oh yeah, cheers to Davidc for all his hard work with gootool. most of this information has been assimilated and put into layman terms from his site. | ||
Re: How to install ???? | davidc | 02/15/2009 - 12:53 |
Looks good, I'd just add one point, which is that the ID and version are going to become more important soon. The forthoming releases of and GooTool have a mod download system, check for updates on mods, and automatic dependency downloading. | ||
Re: How to install ???? | lippli | 03/10/2009 - 15:38 |
Hello | ||
Re: How to install ???? | ukpetd | 03/10/2009 - 18:35 |
I'm no expert, but the file Testli4.resource.xml in the goomod refers to several images which are not included in the goomod. i.e. stachel wolke-gross etc. | ||
Re: How to install ???? | lippli | 03/11/2009 - 12:14 |
Oh God ! |