stuck using WOG editor

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stuck using WOG editor07mcollins02/19/2009 - 20:30

hi, ive been trying to get to grips with using wog editor, but i cant do it!!! i want to create a new level..... all i can do so far is create a new stage so that it has the lines and move them around. i can locate the folder it created and put some resourses in it and get wog editor to see that it is there, but not do any thing with them... does anybody have some simple advice or a link to a video showing how to use it? coz im bugered otherwise ;)


Re: stuck using WOG editorMattOG02/20/2009 - 01:41

Theres a video in my last post


and a basic tutorial


I also have a list of nearly all variables that you can set. It was going to turn into a full tutorial with their usage etc. but I've been busy and so it isn't complete yet. I've PM'd it to you.