New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | MattOG | 03/07/2009 - 11:08 |
Ok, so I'd been thinking about something similar, the corporation is a tad... empty. But I could never be bothered to do anything until suggested by Chikazz.
So, here it is finally. A playground, full of things to play with.
This has been tested, smoothed, tested, re-arranged, and tested again, but I'm bound to have missed something.
Please let me know in here of any suggestions for improvements, or any bugs which are found.....
Filesize: 5.48 MB Format: .goomod (Please goto for instructions to download and install gootool)
P.s. Ta to Chikazz for the suggestions, I was drying up before that pm. ;)
v1.1 Added French and German Translations. Changed case sensitive error for Linux users.
v1.0 Original Release
::EDIT:: I have changed to mediafire, because megaupload was being a pain, and I don't really like it anyway.
Also, here's the link for the wheel.png, incase people don't want to update the whole thing. Last modified Wed, 03/11/2009 - 03:13 by MattOG |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. | xanax | 03/07/2009 - 18:22 |
screenshot ? |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. | madaco | 03/08/2009 - 00:42 |
That is very very cool! are the metal goo bals made of gold? what are they made of? when i throw them at a structure it does not break, does this refer to walls? if so what walls? |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. | MattOG | 03/08/2009 - 02:19 |
I guess that sign is a tad misleading. It's mainly referring to their weight. Screens will follow, there is some here |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. | Nicosmos | 03/08/2009 - 03:34 |
Excellent :D Play with all different goos in all types of situation is probably a dream of most of WoG players :)
Here a French translation of your Sandbox, if you plan to localize it :
Translation wrote: Bac à sable
Original wrote: Play, Test, Have Fun!!
Translation wrote: Jouez, Testez, Amusez-vous !!
Original wrote: Welcome to my playground. Here, all goos are detachable, except for those anchors around the edges, and the swings. They are there in case you demolish your whole structure. Any comments or suggestions, please visit and post there I'd love to hear them. Honest. All my love.... MattOG.
Translation wrote: Bienvenue sur mon terrain de jeu. Ici, tous les goos sont détachables, sauf les attaches près des bords ainsi que les balançoires. Elles sont là dans le cas où vous démoliriez votre structure entière. Pour tout commentaire ou suggestion, merci de visiter et d'y poster. J'aimerais les entendre. Sincèrement. Toute mon affection... MattOG.
Original wrote: Wow, these goos look heavy... And strong... And expensive... Please don't throw them at structures, you might break them... The structures that is!!!
Translation wrote: Waouh, ces goos semblent bien lourds... Et solides... Et coûteux... Merci de ne pas les jeter sur les structures, vous risqueriez de les casser... Les structures, bien sûr !
Original wrote: You see that beauty goo all the way up there? Good. Well now you know how she got there... Disclaimer: The HyperTube Corporation Takes No Responsibility... For Things That Break After Entering This Tube. In fact, they don't take responsibilty for anything... Typical.
Translation wrote: Vous voyez ce goo de beauté tout en haut ? Bien. Vous savez maintenant comment elle est arrivée... Démenti : l'HyperTube Corporation Ne Prend Pas La Responsabilité... Des Choses Endommagées Une Fois Entrées Dans Ce Tube. À vrai dire, elle ne prend jamais aucune responsabilité... Typique.
Original wrote: Err, build up... no, build down... Yeah that's it, build down. P.s. A flying structure may only enter from the sides. It's not my fault, it's a design fla.. feature, yeah that's it, a feature!
Translation wrote: Euh, édifiez vers le haut... non, vers le bas... Ouais c'est ça, édifiez vers le bas. P.s. Une structure volante ne peut entrer que par les côtés. Ce n'est pas ma faute, c'est une err... fonctionnalité, oui c'est ça, une fonctionnalité !
(very probably improvable, if someone can review it ...) Last modified Sun, 03/08/2009 - 05:57 by Nicosmos |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. | Rayquaza | 03/08/2009 - 04:01 |
This is a very good idea, Nicosmos. So I post a german translation!
Translation wrote: Sandkasten
Original wrote: Play, Test, Have Fun!!
Translation wrote: Spiele und teste es, nur so zum Spaß!!
Original wrote: Welcome to my playground. Here, all goos are detachable, except for those anchors around the edges, and the swings. They are there in case you demolish your whole structure. Any comments or suggestions, please visit and post there I'd love to hear them. Honest. All my love.... MattOG.
Translation wrote: [b]Willkommen auf meinen Spielplatz. Hier sind alle Goos zum Spielen bereit, außer den Ankern am Rand und den Schaukeln. Sie sind bereit, ihre Struktur für dich aufzugeben und sich neu zu bilden. Irgendwelche Kommentare oder Empfehlungen, dann besuche: und schreibe es dort hinein. Ich liebe es, so etwas zu hören. Ehrlich. In Liebe... MattOG
Original wrote: Wow, these goos look heavy... And strong... And expensive... Please don't throw them at structures, you might break them... The structures that is!!!
Translation wrote: Wow, diese Goos sehen schwer aus... Und stark... Und teuer... Bitte werfe sie nicht auf Goo-Gebilde, du könntest sie kaputt machen und das willst du doch nicht, oder...
Original wrote: You see that beauty goo all the way up there? Good. Well now you know how she got there... Disclaimer: The HyperTube Corporation Takes No Responsibility... For Things That Break After Entering This Tube. In fact, they don't take responsibilty for anything... Typical.
Translation wrote: Du siehst die wunderschönen Goos über dir? Gut. Nun weißt du, wie sie da hochgekommen sind, hoffe ich... Geschäftsbedingungen: Die HyperTube Corporation übernimmt keine Verantwortung... Falls nach dem Betreten in die Röhre deine Lieblinge kaputtgehen, tja... Sie haben keinen Anspruch auf irgendetwas... Wie immer eigentlich. Betreten auf eigene Gefahr!!!!
Original wrote: Err, build up... no, build down... Yeah that's it, build down. P.s. A flying structure may only enter from the sides. It's not my fault, it's a design fla.. feature, yeah that's it, a feature!
Translation wrote: [b]Ähh, Steig auf, nein, nein, steig ab... Ja, genau, dass ist es, baue kopfüber. P.S.: Ein fliegendes Gebilde kann wahrscheinlich nur an den Seiten festhängen, glaub ich... Es ist nicht meine Schuld, es ist ein Design Fehl... Feature, ja genau, ein Feature!
Last modified Sun, 03/08/2009 - 04:10 by Rayquaza |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. | Pavke | 03/08/2009 - 18:23 |
Level is good, but, no offence, I think it is to large... to much time I spent going from one place to other... |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. | MattOG | 03/09/2009 - 01:42 |
[quote author=Pavke link=topic=1596.msg10575#msg10575 date=1236554636] Level is good, but, no offence, I think it is to large... to much time I spent going from one place to other...
Yeah it's big... I wanted to give enough different things, but also be able to build high wherever you want. If you condense it too much, you end up with everything getting in the way. I'll look at it though..
And thanks for the translations. I'll add them to the next version. |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. | Chikazz | 03/10/2009 - 10:30 |
It has been released! I am ~so~ happy :D MattOG worked really hard on the beautiful Sandbox, and I am so excited to get home tonight to see it in it's full glory! MattOG, you are brilliant! :D :D :D |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. | Soultaker | 03/10/2009 - 11:49 |
Cool. :)
Two small errors though: you refer to a file called "Signpost_brown" in your resource script, which is actually called "signpost_brown". This doesn't matter on Windows, but Linux is case sensitive so the signpost signs aren't loaded. Secondly, you reference a "Wheel" image that isn't included at all? |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. | MattOG | 03/10/2009 - 14:00 |
This one??
Sandbox.resrc wrote:<Image id="LEVEL_IMAGE_TUMBLER_WHEEL" path="res/levels/Sandbox/Wheel" />
Sandbox.scene wrote:<compositegeom x="1500" y="2500" id="wheel" image="LEVEL_IMAGE_TUMBLER_WHEEL" imagepos="1500.0287,2500.9691" imagerot="0.0" imagescale="1.0666,1.0666" material="rock" rotation="0.0" rotspeed="0.0017" static="false" tag="walkable">
As for the case sensitive I've updated it and updated the link. Any linux users will be ok now. :D
::EDIT:: There is a missing image :-\. Will update (again), and change the translations mentioned below too... Last modified Wed, 03/11/2009 - 01:30 by MattOG |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [10-03-2009] | Rayquaza | 03/10/2009 - 14:19 |
There seems to be a problem with the letters ß, ä, ü, ö in the game. So in the next update, it would be better, if you correct these into ß: ss, ä: ae, ü: ue, ö: oe. I will post here tomorrow the correct version. I´m sorry! |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [10-03-2009] | Soultaker | 03/10/2009 - 14:20 |
[quote author=Rayquaza link=topic=1596.msg10642#msg10642 date=1236712748] There seems to be a problem with the letters ß, ä, ü, ö in the game. So in the next update, it would be better, if you correct these into ß: ss, ä: ae, ü: ue, ö: oe. I will post here tomorrow the correct version. I´m sorry! The game should support these characters just fine, as long as the text files are encoded in UTF-8. |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. | Rayquaza | 03/11/2009 - 00:11 |
But it didn´t. Here is a alternative version. Maybe the hacking programs (Level Editor, Goo Tool) can´t read the old version right.
Translation wrote: Sandkasten
Original wrote: Play, Test, Have Fun!!
Translation wrote: Spiele und teste es, nur so zum Spass!!
Original wrote: Welcome to my playground. Here, all goos are detachable, except for those anchors around the edges, and the swings. They are there in case you demolish your whole structure. Any comments or suggestions, please visit and post there I'd love to hear them. Honest. All my love.... MattOG.
Translation wrote: [b]Willkommen auf meinem Spielplatz. Hier sind alle Goos zum Spielen bereit, ausser den Ankern am Rand und den Schaukeln. Sie sind bereit, ihre Struktur fuer dich aufzugeben und sich neu zu bilden. Irgendwelche Kommentare oder Empfehlungen, dann besuche: und schreibe es dort hinein. Ich liebe es, so etwas zu hoeren. Ehrlich. In Liebe... MattOG
Original wrote: Wow, these goos look heavy... And strong... And expensive... Please don't throw them at structures, you might break them... The structures that is!!!
Translation wrote: Wow, diese Goos sehen schwer aus... Und stark... Und teuer... Bitte werfe sie nicht auf Goo-Gebilde, du koenntest sie kaputt machen und das willst du doch nicht, oder...
Original wrote: You see that beauty goo all the way up there? Good. Well now you know how she got there... Disclaimer: The HyperTube Corporation Takes No Responsibility... For Things That Break After Entering This Tube. In fact, they don't take responsibilty for anything... Typical.
Translation wrote: Du siehst die wunderschoenen Goos ueber dir? Gut. Nun weisst du, wie sie da hochgekommen sind, hoffe ich... Geschaeftsbedingungen: Die HyperTube Corporation uebernimmt keine Verantwortung... Falls nach dem Betreten in die Roehre deine Lieblinge kaputtgehen, tja... Sie haben keinen Anspruch auf irgendetwas... Wie immer eigentlich. Betreten auf eigene Gefahr!!!!
Original wrote: Err, build up... no, build down... Yeah that's it, build down. P.s. A flying structure may only enter from the sides. It's not my fault, it's a design fla.. feature, yeah that's it, a feature!
Translation wrote: [b]Aehh, Steig auf, nein, nein, steig ab... Ja, genau, dass ist es, baue kopfueber. P.S.: Ein fliegendes Gebilde kann wahrscheinlich nur an den Seiten festhaengen, glaub ich... Es ist nicht meine Schuld, es ist ein Design Fehl... Feature, ja genau, ein Feature!
Last modified Wed, 03/11/2009 - 00:31 by Rayquaza |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | MattOG | 03/11/2009 - 03:15 |
I have checked the utf-8 encoding, and also modified the file to contain the wheel.png that was missing.
In the first post there is also a link for that file alone, for those who want to just replace that without downloading the whole thing again.
If you don't know how, just download the full thing, it's only 5MB and doesn't take long. ;D
Hopefully this time it'll be ok. ::) |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | Rayquaza | 03/11/2009 - 07:07 |
[quote author=MattOG link=topic=1596.msg10655#msg10655 date=1236759309] I have checked the utf-8 encoding, and also modified the file to contain the wheel.png that was missing.
In the first post there is also a link for that file alone, for those who want to just replace that without downloading the whole thing again.
If you don't know how, just download the full thing, it's only 5MB and doesn't take long. ;D
Hopefully this time it'll be ok. ::)
Yeah, it works. Awesome work!! I made a video of this level: Last modified Wed, 03/11/2009 - 08:29 by Rayquaza |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | XDboy | 03/11/2009 - 11:16 |
No. it's not, cause rayquazas translation is full of... uhm... translation features ;) sorry, ray.
and i found out if you build a structure out of mostly ivys with some heavy goos, it'll start to shake violently, breaks, moves into walls or disappears... i guess that's a feature, too ;) (a behaviour similar to what happens when you try to stick a goo structure too a (lightweight?) nonstatic geometry(not in your level - i expirienced this while building my space level)).
what really would be cool in such a sandboxy level, is the "save your progress"-feature of the wogc levels... ;) |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | Rayquaza | 03/11/2009 - 11:42 |
[quote author=XDboy link=topic=1596.msg10663#msg10663 date=1236788210] No. it's not, cause rayquazas translation is full of... uhm... translation features ;) sorry, ray.
So, my translation is not a 100% traslation from english to german, but a traslation, which has the humour of the german sign painter, I think :-[ What´s wrong with it? But if you want to traslate it... |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. | XDboy | 03/11/2009 - 14:17 |
Translation wrote: Sandkasten
ist zwar richtig, ich persönlich würde es aber bei Sandbox belassen.
Original wrote: Play, Test, Have Fun!!
Translation wrote: Spiele und teste es, nur so zum Spass!!
hört sich blöd an - perfekt kann man sowas wohl auch nicht übersetzen... wie wärs mit "Spiele, experimentiere, hab' Spass!" das ist mir allerdings auch wieder zu wörtlich übersetzt. ;)
Original wrote: Welcome to my playground. Here, all goos are detachable, except for those anchors around the edges, and the swings. They are there in case you demolish your whole structure. Any comments or suggestions, please visit and post there I'd love to hear them. Honest. All my love.... MattOG.
Translation wrote: [b]Willkommen auf meinem Spielplatz. Hier sind alle Goos zum Spielen bereit, ausser den Ankern am Rand und den Schaukeln. Sie sind bereit, ihre Struktur fuer dich aufzugeben und sich neu zu bilden. Irgendwelche Kommentare oder Empfehlungen, dann besuche: und schreibe es dort hinein. Ich liebe es, so etwas zu hoeren. Ehrlich. In Liebe... MattOG
hier geht's richtig los... "alle goos zum spielen bereit" = "detachable"? naja. "den Ankern am Rand" ? klingt komisch, das sollte auch irgendwie besser umschrieben werden. (Ich sehe keine "Anker" am Rand des Levels. ;) ) "Sie sind bereit, ihre Struktur fuer dich aufzugeben und sich neu zu bilden." also "Sie" bezieht sich bei dir auf die Goos, du hast den Satz selbst erfunden, und dafür den ursprünglichen weggelassen? hmmmm.... meinetwegen ;)
"Irgendwelche Kommentare oder Empfehlungen, dann besuche: und schreibe es dort hinein. Ich liebe es, so etwas zu hoeren." ist zu wörtlich übersetzt und hört sich gestelzt an. überhaupt funktioniert der text im englischen viel besser :D
Original wrote: Wow, these goos look heavy... And strong... And expensive... Please don't throw them at structures, you might break them... The structures that is!!!
Translation wrote: Wow, diese Goos sehen schwer aus... Und stark... Und teuer... Bitte werfe sie nicht auf Goo-Gebilde, du koenntest sie kaputt machen und das willst du doch nicht, oder...
besseres ende: "sie könnten dabei kaputt gehen. | Die Gebilde meine ich!"
Original wrote: You see that beauty goo all the way up there? Good. Well now you know how she got there... Disclaimer: The HyperTube Corporation Takes No Responsibility... For Things That Break After Entering This Tube. In fact, they don't take responsibilty for anything... Typical.
Translation wrote: Du siehst die wunderschoenen Goos ueber dir? Gut. Nun weisst du, wie sie da hochgekommen sind, hoffe ich... Geschaeftsbedingungen: Die HyperTube Corporation uebernimmt keine Verantwortung... Falls nach dem Betreten in die Roehre deine Lieblinge kaputtgehen, tja... Sie haben keinen Anspruch auf irgendetwas... Wie immer eigentlich. Betreten auf eigene Gefahr!!!!
"die wunderschönen Goos" sind in echt "diese Beauty Goo" (Einzahl) Miss Gooball quasi... ich glaube auch nicht das die "Lieblinge" kaputtgehen, somdern nur die Gebilde.
Original wrote: Err, build up... no, build down... Yeah that's it, build down. P.s. A flying structure may only enter from the sides. It's not my fault, it's a design fla.. feature, yeah that's it, a feature!
Translation wrote: [b]Aehh, Steig auf, nein, nein, steig ab... Ja, genau, dass ist es, baue kopfueber. P.S.: Ein fliegendes Gebilde kann wahrscheinlich nur an den Seiten festhaengen, glaub ich... Es ist nicht meine Schuld, es ist ein Design Fehl... Feature, ja genau, ein Feature!
"steig auf, steig ab" ...ich weis warum du es geschrieben hat, weil baue hoch, baue runter eben auch blöd klingt... aber das wahre ist es auch nicht... vlt kann man irgendwie noch den "aufbauen, abbauen" sinn aus dem englischen da mit reinbringen.
"may only enter from the sides." bedeutet das es nur von der Seite reinkann, und nicht da hängenbleibt.
Re: New Level: Sandbox. | Rayquaza | 03/12/2009 - 07:25 |
So, a new version of a german translation in corporation with XDBoy. @ MattOG: It would be really cool, if you use this as german translation, because there is lots of german humour in this script. @ XDBoy: Ich habe einige deiner Tipps übernommen und den deutschen Schildermaler noch besser imitiert, hoffe ich ;-) Das sollte deinen Ansprüchen doch wohl ein wenig näher kommen.
Translation wrote: Sandkasten
Original wrote: Play, Test, Have Fun!!
Translation wrote: Spiele, experimentiere, hab Spass!!
Original wrote: Welcome to my playground. Here, all goos are detachable, except for those anchors around the edges, and the swings. They are there in case you demolish your whole structure. Any comments or suggestions, please visit and post there I'd love to hear them. Honest. All my love.... MattOG.
Translation wrote: [b]Willkommen auf meinem Spielplatz. Hier sind alle Goos hergekommen, denen es bei der World of Goo Corporation zu langweilig war. Sie sind bereit, ihre Struktur für dich aufzugeben und sich neu zu bilden. Irgendwelche Kommentare oder Empfehlungen, dann besuche: und schreibe es dort hinein. Ich finde es klasse, so etwas zu hören. Ehrlich. In Gedanken... MattOG
Original wrote: Wow, these goos look heavy... And strong... And expensive... Please don't throw them at structures, you might break them... The structures that is!!!
Translation wrote: Wow, diese Goos sehen schwer aus... Und stark... Und teuer... Bitte werfe sie nicht auf Goo-Gebilde, sie könnten kaputt gehen, die Struktur mein ich. Und ob das die Versicherung bezahlt...
Original wrote: You see that beauty goo all the way up there? Good. Well now you know how she got there... Disclaimer: The HyperTube Corporation Takes No Responsibility... For Things That Break After Entering This Tube. In fact, they don't take responsibilty for anything... Typical.
Translation wrote: Du siehst dieses wunderschöne Geschöpf eines perfekten Goos über dir? Gut. Nun weißt du, wie sie da hochgekommen ist, hoffe ich... Geschäftsbedingungen: Die HyperTube Corporation übernimmt keine Verantwortung... Falls nach dem Betreten in die Röhre diese Schönheit kaputtgeht, tja... Sie haben keinen Anspruch auf irgendetwas... Wie immer eigentlich. Betreten auf eigene Gefahr!!!!
Original wrote: Err, build up... no, build down... Yeah that's it, build down. P.s. A flying structure may only enter from the sides. It's not my fault, it's a design fla.. feature, yeah that's it, a feature!
Translation wrote: [b]Ähh, Soll ich hochbauen oder runterbauen... diese Schwerelosigkeit. Mir wird schwindelig,,, Ich denke, du baust deinen Turm nach unten, denn anders geht es nicht. Was ist da oben bloß los?!? P.S.: Fliegende Gegenstände können wahrscheinlich nur an den Seiten eintreten, glaub ich... Es ist nicht meine Schuld, es ist ein Design Fehl... Feature, ja genau, ein Feature!
Last modified Thu, 03/12/2009 - 07:40 by Rayquaza |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | oLIo | 03/17/2009 - 12:46 |
How did you change the gooballs? I can see they are defined as type "Sandbox_Gold", but where is that type or how can you create one? |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | Pavke | 03/17/2009 - 13:12 |
[quote author=oLIo link=topic=1596.msg10773#msg10773 date=1237312007] How did you change the gooballs? I can see they are defined as type "Sandbox_Gold", but where is that type or how can you create one?
Look for Tools and Level Editor! |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | oLIo | 03/17/2009 - 13:40 |
Well yeah, I have that. Like I sad, I can see in the editor the type of the balls, but where are these types defined? |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | MattOG | 03/17/2009 - 14:47 |
Use gootool to decrypt the world of goo folder. I have it as
c:\program files\worldofgoo\un-binned
in there there is a res folder, and inside that is a balls folder. All the types are defined in their own separate folder.
Unzip my level and look at compile/res/balls/sandbox_gold with notepad++ (or similar). The resources is all the images and sounds (I made my own).
The balls.xml is the properties.
If you want, I'll post a list of all the different properties, what they mean, their min/max levels, and what effets they have.
Matt. |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | Zagrom | 03/29/2009 - 16:02 |
Hello, I have to I singed up here just to tell you Great Job on this MOD, it has entertained me for quite sometime, keep up the good work ^^
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | Stickybomb67 | 04/17/2009 - 19:41 |
I LOVED this mod. If you are making a newer version, I have a few suggestions. -Add Eye Balloons! -Bombs, bombs, BOMBS! -Circle Goos! -Add flames! -Add MOM! Please heed my suggestions. |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | jmleleven | 05/25/2009 - 10:29 |
Congrats, MattOG! Your level got the BEST WOG LEVEL EVER AWARD! By who? Well... Me. Although, while I was randomly level testing, I found a glitch that I dont know if it's fixable, but it's driving me CRAZY.
Last modified Mon, 05/25/2009 - 13:22 by jmleleven |
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Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | RAYMOND1996 | 07/19/2009 - 17:44 |
I Saw That Level on YouTube!
But In a Whole NEW Language I Never Learned! |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | Rayquaza | 07/20/2009 - 02:06 |
[quote author=RAYMOND1996 link=topic=1596.msg13671#msg13671 date=1248043445] I Saw That Level on YouTube!
But In a Whole NEW Language I Never Learned!
Do you mean this video: I´ve created it, it´s german and my translation^^ |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | RAYMOND1996 | 07/20/2009 - 06:50 |
[deleted] Last modified Tue, 07/21/2009 - 16:21 by Soultaker |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | spazturtle | 07/21/2009 - 12:05 |
[deleted] Last modified Tue, 07/21/2009 - 16:22 by Soultaker |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | Soultaker | 07/21/2009 - 16:22 |
Please be nice to each other. |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | TheWampaKing | 07/22/2009 - 06:30 |
yah you two bettah behave yaselves or you get a whoopin from aunt wampa. |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | johnsteve2009 | 07/24/2009 - 02:42 |
there's other way to leveling?
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | johnsteve2009 | 07/24/2009 - 02:43 |
there's other way to leveling?...
(spam link deleted by davidc) Last modified Sun, 07/26/2009 - 18:33 by davidc |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | Stickybomb67 | 07/24/2009 - 05:57 |
[quote author=johnsteve2009 link=topic=1596.msg13747#msg13747 date=1248421398] there's other way to leveling?...
(spam link deleted by davidc)(spam link deleted by davidc)
What does that mean? Last modified Sun, 07/26/2009 - 18:33 by davidc |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | IM99CAT | 10/29/2009 - 15:52 |
This is a really goo-d level but I think it would be better if it had a point in some way. Like, for example you have to climb up 100 metres in a place switching between normal and anti-gravity. Just an idea. Great level! |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | seanl | 02/11/2010 - 23:33 |
I have checked it and it was good with the new gooball. |
Re: New Level: Sandbox. v1.1 [11-03-2009] | AldenteVonTino | 02/16/2010 - 10:08 |
[quote author=seanl link=topic=1596.msg16501#msg16501 date=1265949232] I have checked it and it was good with the new gooball.
Take note the tube(s) within the sandbox. (Someone) can go from one to the other... **bows low** ...And it's a wonderful level! -AVT Last modified Tue, 02/16/2010 - 10:10 by AldenteVonTino |