translated source PSD's | kyle | 11/14/2008 - 05:06 |
Hey guys, some of you had asked for the PSD's I used to create images containing text in the game. Here they are. I just finished making the translated images for EN,ES,FR,DE,IT, and feel free to use these as templates for any additional languages or tweaks. The two TTF fonts are also included, and need to be installed before opening these PSD's.
Re: translated source PSD's | davidc | 11/14/2008 - 06:44 |
Thanks Kyle, could you put up the font for the continue button too please? |
Re: translated source PSD's | Highlander | 11/14/2008 - 07:08 |
Great news! Yay! |
Re: translated source PSD's | davidc | 11/14/2008 - 07:32 |
Guys I've written some code to auto-generate these files.
Current game image:

And here's the result (yes, missing the correct font at the moment).

I'm going to work on getting them antialiased better. I'm also going to create an XML descriptor of what needs drawing on each image and at what location. It'll have the ability to "nudge" each language as some will need slightly different positioning.
Once I've done that I'll upload a new version of GooTool this evening and people can start writing descriptors for the other images.
-davidc |
Re: translated source PSD's | Soultaker | 11/14/2008 - 08:07 |
Where did you get the text? From the MOM_CONTINUE string on the wiki?
I'd prefer to add separate translations for the image texts to the wiki, as not all can be derived properly from the existing texts. For example, the Dutch translation "Verder" means something like "Further"; that works for the dialog (as in click to read more) but it isn't a verb, so on the handle I'd prefer "Doorgaan" which is an imperative like "Continue" in English.
(Similarly, the German version should probably read "Weitergehen" but I doubt that fits.) |
Re: translated source PSD's | Oehr | 11/14/2008 - 08:13 |
the fonts you uploaded are not the ones in the game. the psds even use these fonts for the text.
heres a comparison:

the upload:

it looks completely different!... even my attempt(german) is closer to the original:

P.S. weiter is the best translation for german. even fortsetzen would work better than weitergehen. continue doesnt even mean weitergehen :) Last modified Fri, 11/14/2008 - 08:15 by Öhr |
Re: translated source PSD's | kyle | 11/14/2008 - 08:15 |
That font was called "Cookies", but we are no longer using it in the game for various reasons. The fact that it was used on the "continue" button was a mistake. Instead, we should use the "Tw Cen" font. It looks good if it's sized well, and nicely anti-aliased. |
Re: translated source PSD's | kyle | 11/14/2008 - 08:19 |
And here's zip file of all the new images if you want to try them out in the game easily. A warning though, some of these required slight changes to xml files, so dropping them in might not work perfectly in all cases. I think the only two affected were the RESET button in wogc/3d/d and the title in chapter 3.
Let me know if any of the translations are especially bad. We need to give these to our euro publisher as soon as possible! |
Re: translated source PSD's | kyle | 11/14/2008 - 08:24 |
Soultaker, this might help if you're going to modify the wiki. (ignore the last three rows)
Re: translated source PSD's | Oehr | 11/14/2008 - 08:34 |
even though, the ingame continue clearly uses different styles and overlays than the ones in the psd.
also: what about english? will the english continue to use the cookie font instead of the tw cen font? with the original using the cookie font, the other language look like a awfully shopped, cheap translation. a batch translation, if you know what i mean :)
also number 2: there are various images still missing. here are the most important ones: \res\balls\IconWindowRect\label.png \res\balls\IconWindowSquare\label.png \res\levels\island5\chapter.png \res\levels\IslandUi\WoGC_button_over.png \res\levels\IslandUi\WoGC_button_up.png \res\levels\wogc\bb_delicious.png \res\levels\wogc\bb_tastesogood.png \res\levels\wogc\bb_whatyouwannagoo.png \res\levels\wogc3d\wogc.png \movie\Chapter3Mid\bb1.png \movie\eol_1_in\collectionTankHandle.png \movie\eol_1_in\statlabel_collected.png \movie\eol_1_in\statlabel_extracredit.png \movie\eol_1_in\statlabel_goal.png \movie\eol_1_in\statlabel_moves.png \movie\eol_1_in\statlabel_time.png \movie\wogcdestory\presents.png \movie\wogunlock\bbUnlocked.png
also number 3: original:
 the upload:

thats so different... the original is handwritten and doesnt use a font, while the new one uses fat font letters.
also numer 4: the german is incorrect: rohr instead of Rohr (in german, all names and all nouns have upper-case characters) |
Re: translated source PSD's | Soultaker | 11/14/2008 - 08:48 |
[quote author=Öhr link=topic=794.msg5817#msg5817 date=1226668439] continue doesnt even mean weitergehen I'm pretty sure it does (online dictionaries agree) but I leave it to native German speakers to determine what fits best in this case. :) At any rate, it was just an example.
Quote: the fonts you uploaded are not the ones in the game. True enough, but they look good and the general look&feel isn't too far off, so until someone comes up with something better, I'd be happy with this style instead of having no translated images at all.
[quote author=kyle link=topic=794.msg5820#msg5820 date=1226669050] Soultaker, this might help if you're going to modify the wiki. (ignore the last three rows) Thanks, I'll add these to the Wiki in a minute (I'll probably make the page unavailable to outsiders while I work on it).
Re: translated source PSD's | kyle | 11/14/2008 - 09:02 |
Those two fonts are indeed the fonts used in the game, don't worry. :) I simply rasterized certain characters, applied outlines, etc and stuck them into the images you see in the /fonts folder. |
Re: translated source PSD's | Oehr | 11/14/2008 - 09:18 |
all german translation mistakes and critiques: - JETZT ERÖFFNET! instead of JETZT OFFEN! (lvl5) - even though the correct translation would be "Ende der Welt", it sounds awkward without an article, so i suggest using "Das Ende der Welt" instead.
statsubmit_*.*.png - different fonts and colors for the text are used... (lvl4) - In the main menu, it says "Die DatenAutobahn" because it does not display the -. so there are 2 different spellings in the game. not sure what you want to do about this... - this is gelman. correct translation: "Jede Wolke stellt den Turm eines anderen Spielers dar. Wie sind sie nur dort hoch gekommen? Ach ja.. Auch dein Turm ist eine Wolke in ihrem Spiel.
World of Goo ist wahrhaftig ein Wunder der Wissenschaft!" - use this: "Zieh die Goos übereinander um bis zum Rohr zu gelangen" - "knacken" doesnt sound that great... im going to talk to windam about this today, dont know the perfect solution for this right now :)
also, im not why you are always using lower case letters. as in "" and "". also all images located in res\movie\eol_1_in also those two signs should be written by hand - it looks muuuuuuuuuuuuuch better. they also blend with the bg while the font text is more or less glowing and doesnt look good at all.
Those are special signs. Make them special! - the Sign Painter
P.S. ConnectBB_content_disconnected.*.png is missing!
@ soultaker, you can translate to continue (walking) as weitergehen. but the continue in this context does not mean continue walking but to continue with the game, simply to continue without walking/moving/etc. so you can choose from the following words: forsetzen, weiter, weitermachen, etc. in this case, weiter is the best option to choose from. and heres the best english-german/german-english dictionary on the world wide web: and if you have a question, just write it in their forum Last modified Fri, 11/14/2008 - 16:28 by Öhr |
Re: translated source PSD's | Nicosmos | 11/14/2008 - 13:02 |
Some suggestions for this French translation :
- "Glisser-déposer" is an infinitive. It's almost correct but the Sign Painter "vouvoie" (I don't think there is a word in English to say " use 'vous' ") the player. Therefore, the verb should be "Glissez-déposez".
- You use "balle" to translate "ball". It's also correct, but "boule" is more adapted for Goos. I don't know if you will use the wiki translation for normal text, but we use "boule" in it.
- "Comment ils sont montés jusque-là." isn't a question and it's not correct. "Comment sont-ils montés jusque-là ?" is a question. ;)
- "leur jeux" means that each player have many games (many copy of World of Goo) ! If each player (and even if there are many players) have one game, it's "leur jeu".
I think it's all. About the rest, very good, it's really nice to having localized versions of images ! ;D Thanks !
Update: I've found some others things : :P
- "Fait éclater" is "tutoiement" and not "vouvoiement". Currently, the game "tutoie" the player but the Sign Painter "vouvoie" him/her. If this is a Sign Painter's message, the equivalent is "Faites éclater".
- Some chapters have been renamed in the wiki translation. "Un rouage de la machine" became "Un rouage dans la machine" et "Superautoroute" became "Autoroute".
- There is a space before all exclamation marks in French. And it's currently not the case in the main WoG Corp. sign. ;) Last modified Sat, 11/15/2008 - 12:58 by Nicosmos |
Re: translated source PSD's | davidc | 11/14/2008 - 13:08 |
[quote author=Soultaker link=topic=794.msg5816#msg5816 date=1226668048] Where did you get the text? From the MOM_CONTINUE string on the wiki?
I'd prefer to add separate translations for the image texts to the wiki, as not all can be derived properly from the existing texts.
Indeed it will be reading IMG_RESULTS_CONTINUE etc from the wiki.
Here's a work in progress. Anyone found a suitable handwriting font?

Last modified Fri, 11/14/2008 - 13:53 by davidc |
Re: translated source PSD's | davidc | 11/14/2008 - 13:55 |
It's now reading translations directly from the wiki. I added line breaks to some languages for IMG_GOINGUP_HINT but then realised you probably have a script to update them all automatically, so if you could run that for this string to add <br> to the English originals.
Here's the XML so far for the images above:
<br /><?xml version="1.0"?><br /><i18n><br /><br /> <process-image><br /> <source>images_continue.png</source><br /> <!--<dest>res/images/continue_up</dest>--><br /><br /> <add-text><br /> <string>IMG_RESULTS_CONTINUE</string><br /> <font-name>TCCEB.TTF</font-name><br /> <font-size>30</font-size><br /> <stretch>1.2</stretch><br /> <outline>6</outline><br /> <color>#1c1c1c</color><br /><br /> <!-- TODO implement justify --><br /> <x-position justify="center">80</x-position><br /> <y-position justify="center">36</y-position><br /> <rotation>180</rotation><br /> </add-text><br /><br /> <add-text><br /> <string>IMG_RESULTS_CONTINUE</string><br /> <font-name>TCCEB.TTF</font-name><br /> <font-size>30</font-size><br /> <stretch>1.2</stretch><br /> <color>#999999</color><br /><br /> <x-position justify="center">80</x-position><br /> <y-position justify="center">36</y-position><br /> <rotation>180</rotation><br /> </add-text><br /> </process-image><br /><br /> <process-image><br /> <source>levels_wogc_buttonConnect.png</source><br /> <!--dest>res/levels/wogc/buttonConnect_over</dest--><br /><br /> <add-text><br /> <string>IMG_WOGC_SIGN1_CONNECT</string><br /> <font-name>TCCEB.TTF</font-name><br /> <font-size>25</font-size><br /> <color>#000000</color><br /> <x-position>54</x-position><br /> <y-position>52</y-position><br /> <rotation>-2</rotation><br /> </add-text><br /> </process-image><br /><br /> <process-image><br /> <source>tutorialPost.png</source><br /> <!--dest>res/levels/GoingUp/tutorialPost</dest--><br /><br /> <add-text><br /> <string>IMG_GOINGUP_HINT[1]</string><br /> <font-name>comesinhandy.ttf</font-name><br /> <font-size>50</font-size><br /> <color>#000000</color><br /> <!-- TODO left align --><br /> <x-position>70</x-position><br /> <y-position>52</y-position><br /> <rotation>-20</rotation><br /> </add-text><br /> <add-text><br /> <string>IMG_GOINGUP_HINT[2]</string><br /> <font-name>comesinhandy.ttf</font-name><br /> <font-size>40</font-size><br /> <color>#000000</color><br /> <x-position>100</x-position><br /> <y-position>80</y-position><br /> <rotation>-20</rotation><br /> </add-text><br /> <add-text><br /> <string>IMG_GOINGUP_HINT[3]</string><br /> <font-name>comesinhandy.ttf</font-name><br /> <font-size>40</font-size><br /> <color>#000000</color><br /> <x-position>150</x-position><br /> <y-position>100</y-position><br /> <rotation>-20</rotation><br /> </add-text><br /> <add-text><br /> <string>IMG_GOINGUP_HINT[4]</string><br /> <font-name>comesinhandy.ttf</font-name><br /> <font-size>40</font-size><br /> <color>#000000</color><br /> <x-position>180</x-position><br /> <y-position>130</y-position><br /> <rotation>-30</rotation><br /> </add-text><br /> <add-text><br /> <string>IMG_GOINGUP_HINT[5]</string><br /> <font-name>comesinhandy.ttf</font-name><br /> <font-size>40</font-size><br /> <color>#000000</color><br /> <x-position>180</x-position><br /> <y-position>160</y-position><br /> <rotation>-20</rotation><br /> </add-text><br /> </process-image><br /></i18n><br /> |
Re: translated source PSD's | Oehr | 11/14/2008 - 16:13 |
nice :D |
Re: translated source PSD's | davidc | 11/15/2008 - 04:15 |
OK I promised to release something today. I may be very drunk so only download this if you're working on translations: GooTool 0.9.3:
N.B. This release is not well tested, but may be useful for image work!
If you go to the Advanced menu and enable Translator mode, you will get an extra "Image localisation" tab. The "input directory" is a directory containing l10n_images.xml, plus fonts, plus source files. Here's a zip of my current input directory:
It's not very intuitive yet, nor does it look good or actually build destination files, but it might help others start building the xml files and text-free plain source pngs for some of the other translatable images.
Note! It does actually load the wiki pages every time you build. So you can adjust the wiki and see the results as soon as you "Build and View". |
Re: translated source PSD's | davidc | 11/15/2008 - 04:24 |
Screenshots for the above:

If you create new XML descriptors+sources for other images, please send them to me. (I am aware there are a few more capabilities to add to the XML, such as left/right-justification, and wrapping text to fit in a box, so some images won't be translatable yet) |
Re: translated source PSD's | Oehr | 11/15/2008 - 07:44 |
the Ü in Übereinander (german) isnt displayed correctly: Ãrbereinander or something like that. and the arrow gets in the way ::) |
Re: translated source PSD's | Vials | 11/15/2008 - 12:12 |
[quote author=davidc link=topic=794.msg5865#msg5865 date=1226740518] OK I promised to release something today. I may be very drunk so only download this if you're working on translations: GooTool 0.9.3
hi! Your wonderful tool does not support Russian language (Unicode support) :(
another question to the forum members - as in the use of improvised fonts, to reproduce the outline effect with alpha-channel in fonts png?
Re: translated source PSD's | davidc | 11/15/2008 - 13:25 |
[quote author=Vials link=topic=794.msg5882#msg5882 date=1226769152] hi! Your wonderful tool does not support Russian language (Unicode support) :(
I'll work on that :)
[quote author=Vials link=topic=794.msg5882#msg5882 date=1226769152] another question to the forum members - as in the use of improvised fonts, to reproduce the outline effect with alpha-channel in fonts png?
The outline effect on the continue button is produced by drawing the image twice, once with outline only in the darker color:
<br /> <outline>6</outline><br /> <color>#1c1c1c</color><br />
and then again without outline in the lighter color:
<br /> <color>#999999</color><br />
I've just added alpha support too. Here's a contrived example with the text deliberately in the wrong place and red, to better show the alpha:
<br /> <color>#ff0000,0.2</color><br />
Re: translated source PSD's | davidc | 11/15/2008 - 13:29 |
[quote author=Öhr link=topic=794.msg5874#msg5874 date=1226753074] the Ü in Übereinander (german) isnt displayed correctly: Ãrbereinander or something like that. and the arrow gets in the way ::)
The funny Ü is just that particular font not having all the right characters. We need to find a better handwriting font. Edit: this was an encoding problem too :-) But I'm still not happy with that font.
Overlapping text is because at the moment you can only position text by centering it about an x,y coordinate. I'm going to add: left/right justify, top/bottom justify, and "fit to box" (scaling down font size and wordwrapping as necessary) Last modified Sat, 11/15/2008 - 14:13 by davidc |
Re: translated source PSD's | davidc | 11/15/2008 - 14:09 |
[quote author=davidc link=topic=794.msg5889#msg5889 date=1226773501] [quote author=Vials link=topic=794.msg5882#msg5882 date=1226769152] hi! Your wonderful tool does not support Russian language (Unicode support) :(
I'll work on that :)
I fixed the encoding problem but it looks like Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold doesn't contain Russian character set. e.g. if you cut and paste from wiki into Word, and change to that font, it forces you back to Arial. So you'll need to find a suitable font that has the full character set. |
Re: translated source PSD's | Vials | 11/16/2008 - 00:25 |
[quote author=davidc link=topic=794.msg5892#msg5892 date=1226776197] [quote author=davidc link=topic=794.msg5889#msg5889 date=1226773501] [quote author=Vials link=topic=794.msg5882#msg5882 date=1226769152] hi! Your wonderful tool does not support Russian language (Unicode support) :(
I'll work on that :)
I fixed the encoding problem but it looks like Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold doesn't contain Russian character set. e.g. if you cut and paste from wiki into Word, and change to that font, it forces you back to Arial. So you'll need to find a suitable font that has the full character set.
Good news! Where can I download the corrected version? Font containing Russian characters I found. |
Re: translated source PSD's | Vials | 11/16/2008 - 00:42 |
[quote author=davidc link=topic=794.msg5889#msg5889 date=1226773501] [quote author=Vials link=topic=794.msg5882#msg5882 date=1226769152] another question to the forum members - as in the use of improvised fonts, to reproduce the outline effect with alpha-channel in fonts png? The outline effect on the continue button is produced by drawing the image twice
I asked about the fonts in the directory \res\fonts\*.png original TwCenMTCondensedExtraBold font without outline effect |
Re: translated source PSD's | davidc | 11/17/2008 - 17:31 |
Right, I'm reasonably happy with this so I'm building GooTool 0.9.4 now and it'll be out shortly.
You can now: - have layers - gaussian blur those layers (used for continue button) - arch text for chapter titles (god damn my head hurts after that math) - use non-Latin character sets (though the fonts are missing characters) - fit text to bounding boxes to make sure certain languages don't overflow - justify text left/right top/bottom - view the boundaries in a debug mode to aid positioning
Screenshot at 50% (in debug mode):

Remaining problems:
- Cyrillic characters etc are a no-go on the standard fonts, I think the Russian and Japanese translators will need to do their own images by hand or find another font
- European accented characters are fine in TwCenblah but the Earth's Mightiest Bold is missing all the accented characters. I'm guessing since they're just derivatives of standard characters it would be fairly easy for someone to add the missing characters to the font using something like FontForge. The list is here: . Anyone up for that?
NB NB NB! I am just providing the tool. After all this mathematics I need some time for my brain to recover. Someone with a bit of technical/artistic talent needs to step up and create XML files for the remaining images, and tweak the ones I've created for better positioning!
Description of XML file format: |
Re: translated source PSD's | Nicosmos | 11/19/2008 - 12:50 |
Some images are no currently translated but contain English text : :-\ - res/balls/UndeletePill/body.png (content: undelete*) - res/balls/IconWindowRect/label.png (content: Games) - res/balls/UndeletePill/body.png (content: Applications) Is it planned to translate it ? :)
Re: translated source PSD's | kyle | 11/19/2008 - 20:42 |
One more for you guys. This is the short "manual" you see when you press the Home button on wii. I hope our translations aren't too bad. Dutch might need some work though :)
Re: translated source PSD's | skyd1v3r | 11/20/2008 - 17:15 |
[quote author=Soultaker link=topic=794.msg5822#msg5822 date=1226670493] [quote author=Öhr link=topic=794.msg5817#msg5817 date=1226668439] continue doesnt even mean weitergehen I'm pretty sure it does
Well, it does not.
Weitergehen means keep going, going in the meaning of putting one leg in front of the other. (You english guys use "go" in a thousand meanings) Continue would be "Weiter". :) Anyway, keep up the good wok translating the game. |