GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | davidc | 11/17/2008 - 18:15 |
Sign painters around the world, GooTool 0.9.4 is out.
The main functionality added in this version is intended specifically for translators of the game. 0.9.4 has a "Translator mode" accessed from the Advanced menu.
Further info and changelog:
Image localisation info: Last modified Mon, 11/17/2008 - 18:18 by davidc |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | davidc | 11/17/2008 - 18:24 |
Oh yeah and wherever you see the word "l10n", read "localisation" or "translation".
i18n = internationalisation (i[18 letters]n) - the process of making a program able to be localised/translated. WoG already has this feature.
l10n = localisation (l[10 letters]n) - the process of actually preparing it for each specific locale.
Yes I'm a geek and I follow geek conventions. I don't expect the tool to be of long-term use so I haven't put much effort into polishing the UI. Hopefully you can all figure it out! |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | davidc | 11/17/2008 - 18:41 |
I'll reply to myself one last time to say: If you know a bit about image manipulation algorithms and a bit of Java (or no Java - it's not exactly rocket science) and want to add to or improve the image functions, get in touch and I'll send you the source.
Me, I'm done with matrix math for a good while now. |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | Soultaker | 11/17/2008 - 18:52 |
Great! I tried to download this earlier from your site, but could only find the old version then. I'll definitely use this tomorrow to create some images for the Dutch translation.
By the way, if the tool is written in Java, what makes it Windows only? Any chance of getting it running on Linux and/or integrating it into my wiki page? |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | davidc | 11/17/2008 - 18:56 |
[quote author=Soultaker link=topic=823.msg6008#msg6008 date=1226965953] By the way, if the tool is written in Java, what makes it Windows only? Any chance of getting it running on Linux and/or integrating it into my wiki page?
Absolutely nothing makes it Windows only. It's packed into an .exe just to help regular users run it. There's a Mac version coming, I need to spend more time with this borrowed MacBook to figure out paths etc, and a Linux version will be forthcoming too when that's released.
That's regarding the downloadable/user-friendly GooTool. The translation component can be run from the command line (indeed that's how I tested it). But I'll PM you with some thoughts about integrating all this. |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | xanax | 11/19/2008 - 17:36 |
Would it be possible to have an option that would automatically check for GooTool updates (and of course notify the user) ?
Or even better.. an option that would automatically update GooTool (like Firefox for instance).
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | davidc | 11/19/2008 - 18:04 |
[quote author=xanax link=topic=823.msg6073#msg6073 date=1227134202] Would it be possible to have an option that would automatically check for GooTool updates (and of course notify the user) ?
Actually I was working on that this afternoon :-)
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | Nicosmos | 11/20/2008 - 12:09 |
I will wait a Linux/Web version to test your GooTool - I don't have Windows - but it looks really good, according to the screenshots ! :D And ... when a i18n for GooTool itself ? ;)
But it's especially the Addin format which is a good idea. Create a standard format for all mods/levels for World of Goo is very well :) Last modified Thu, 11/20/2008 - 12:12 by Nicosmos |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | davidc | 11/20/2008 - 13:20 |
[quote author=Nicosmos link=topic=823.msg6107#msg6107 date=1227200961] I will wait a Linux/Web version to test your GooTool - I don't have Windows - but it looks really good, according to the screenshots ! :D
I'm working on the Mac/Linux version and installers at the moment, for the next release 0.10.0. This will hopefully be the last "beta" version before I start announcing it more prominently.
I'm not sure what to do about the Linux version and WorldOfGoo.exe though. Presumably you're running it inside Wine, but is there a Linux path corresponding to C:\ProgramFiles\WorldOfGoo that has WorldOfGoo.exe inside it (e.g. /mnt/dos/ProgramFiles/WorldOfGoo or something?)? or is it on a filesystem only accessible inside the emulator?
[quote author=Nicosmos link=topic=823.msg6107#msg6107 date=1227200961] And ... when a i18n for GooTool itself ? ;)
It's partially internationalised already, but I don't want anyone to go through the trouble of translating it until it's closer to being finished!
-davidc |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | Nicosmos | 11/20/2008 - 13:33 |
Quote: Presumably you're running it inside Wine, but is there a Linux path corresponding to C:\ProgramFiles\WorldOfGoo that has WorldOfGoo.exe inside it (e.g. /mnt/dos/ProgramFiles/WorldOfGoo or something?)? or is it on a filesystem only accessible inside the emulator?
It depends on the installation method. If the game is installed directly with Wine, the folder is : /home/username/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/WorldOfGoo/ (It exists an environment variable for /home/username/ but I don't know it). But if the user use a Wine overlay like PlayOnLinux (it's my case), the directory is : /home/username/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfGoo/drive_c/Program Files/WorldOfGoo/ And probably other path like that with others Wine overlays.
Maybe the best thing to do is to propose a way to customize the WorldfGoo path ... ;) |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | LaPingvino | 11/21/2008 - 05:25 |
Got GooTool running without problems, using the command
java -cp bin/gootool.exe:lib/lcrypto-jdk16-141.jar:lib/uiruntime.jar com.goofans.gootool.GooTool
as was me told by david on the Goofans forum.
It's a piece of cake to configure it to point to your Goo-stalation. |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | davidc | 11/21/2008 - 06:08 |
[quote author=LaPingvino link=topic=823.msg6147#msg6147 date=1227263117] Got GooTool running without problems, using the command
java -cp bin/gootool.exe:lib/lcrypto-jdk16-141.jar:lib/uiruntime.jar com.goofans.gootool.GooTool
Cool, I was expecting all sorts of path name problems :-)
[quote author=Nicosmos link=topic=823.msg6114#msg6114 date=1227206032] It depends on the installation method. If the game is installed directly with Wine, the folder is : /home/username/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/WorldOfGoo/ (It exists an environment variable for /home/username/ but I don't know it). But if the user use a Wine overlay like PlayOnLinux (it's my case), the directory is : /home/username/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfGoo/drive_c/Program Files/WorldOfGoo/ And probably other path like that with others Wine overlays.
Maybe the best thing to do is to propose a way to customize the WorldfGoo path ... ;)
It does ask you to locate WoG manually if it can't find it, I'd like to get it to find it automatically where possible though.
I'll get it to search in $HOME/.wine etc - I don't suppose there's an environment variable that points directly to the install drive though? (try [tt]env | grep home[/tt])
I'll give it a try later anyway... wine under linux under vmware under windows :-)
David |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | Soultaker | 11/21/2008 - 09:08 |
So how do you figure out where the game is installed on Windows? I don't think there is a registry key for it? At any rate, the same method should work for Wine. |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | davidc | 11/21/2008 - 11:19 |
[quote author=Soultaker link=topic=823.msg6161#msg6161 date=1227276486] So how do you figure out where the game is installed on Windows? I don't think there is a registry key for it?
With this lovely piece of hackery:
<br /> private static final String[] SEARCH_PATHS = {"%ProgramFiles%\\WorldOfGoo", "%ProgramFiles%\\World Of Goo",<br /> "%SystemDrive%\\Program Files\\WorldOfGoo", "%SystemDrive%\\Program Files\\World Of Goo",<br /> "%SystemDrive%\\Games\\WorldOfGoo", "%SystemDrive%\\Games\\World Of Goo"<br /> };<br />
Under Linux I guess I need to prepend the Wine directory to all of those. |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | davidc | 11/21/2008 - 18:30 |
I managed to get both Wine and PlayOnLinux running quite impressively until I actually launched WoG, at which point they crashed with various video and sound errors. Still, I managed to at least test the pathname searching.
So, 0.9.5 is now released, and there's a Linux version on the download page too. It also has a few bugfixes and a "new version" notification.
More info and changelog: |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | davidc | 11/21/2008 - 18:32 |
Comments on installing Java welcome: |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | GooGun | 11/22/2008 - 11:05 |
Compliments on the program! It is indeed quite nice. However, there's a problem: I'm trying to make a new level with the WOGEditor, but I can't compile the level into a '.goomod' extension file that the program seems to use. Any help? Please? |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | davidc | 11/22/2008 - 12:39 |
[quote author=GooGun link=topic=823.msg6208#msg6208 date=1227369911] Compliments on the program! It is indeed quite nice. However, there's a problem: I'm trying to make a new level with the WOGEditor, but I can't compile the level into a '.goomod' extension file that the program seems to use. Any help? Please?
wogeditor doesn't create goomod files (yet?).
So for now just edit it directly in your World of Goo directory, then when you're ready to distribute it to others, create a zip file (renamed to .goomod) per the spec here:
Don't worry if you don't understand that page. GooTool 0.10 will have some new features to make creating addins easier. |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | GooGun | 11/22/2008 - 13:16 |
...thanks for that. But does crating a goomod file simply demand that I pack all the files in a .zip file and rename to a .goomod extension name? Or is it more complex? |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | davidc | 11/22/2008 - 13:18 |
[quote author=GooGun link=topic=823.msg6214#msg6214 date=1227377810] ...thanks for that. But does crating a goomod file simply demand that I pack all the files in a .zip file and rename to a .goomod extension name? Or is it more complex?
You need to put your unencrypted level XML files into the "compile" directory and create an "addin.xml" file describing your addin. Any new images go in the "override" directory.
Check out the documentation here or download the Deja Vu level here - rename the .goomod back to .zip and you'll see what's inside it. |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | GooGun | 11/22/2008 - 13:52 |
Ok, so I think I have my files ready. But I can't get it to change it from .zip to .goomod, while I can do .goomod to zip. |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | davidc | 11/22/2008 - 14:14 |
[quote author=GooGun link=topic=823.msg6221#msg6221 date=1227379944] Ok, so I think I have my files ready. But I can't get it to change it from .zip to .goomod, while I can do .goomod to zip.
explorer->tools->folder options->view->turn off "hide extensions for known file types" |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | GooGun | 11/22/2008 - 14:17 |
Hmm... I found the answer a little earlier. Now, though, I am faced with the following error: "Invalid addin: Invalid id found in addin: gunsfirst"
What's wrong?
EDIT: Nevermind. Got it to install. However, I'm dealing with a serious problem: whenever I save, this error appears: 'Addin format exception ('. Also, my level doesn't appear in the game, surely because of the error.
What now? Last modified Sat, 11/22/2008 - 17:13 by GooGun |
Re: GooTool 0.9.4: One World, One Goo | xanax | 11/28/2008 - 11:50 |
I am using GooTool 0.9.5 and I have a suggestion and a bug report for you, davidc.
1. When you click on the "Install new addin..." button, it would be cool if the file selection window could remember the last folder opened last time. Because, let's say I have 20 new addins to install, GooTool starts in "\users\username\Documents"... which is boring in the end (to browse again and again your local hard drive tree).
2. I installed GooCorp Basketballs and DejaVu addins. Now each time I click on "Save" or the "Save and launch World of Goo" buttons, I got this message :
