All memmm's profiles
Name | Updated | Tower Height | Balls Collected | Play time |
memmm | Mon, 03/23/2009 - 11:27 | 1.13m using 3 of 300 balls | 1,137 | 20 hours 58 min |
memmm | Mon, 03/23/2009 - 11:31 | 14.07m using 60 of 300 balls | 1,137 | 21 hours 18 min |
memmm | Mon, 03/23/2009 - 15:57 | 18.41m using 212 of 300 balls | 1,138 | 1 day 6 min |
memmm | Tue, 03/24/2009 - 10:20 | 18.41m using 212 of 300 balls | 1,166 | 1 day 4 hours |
memmm | Tue, 03/24/2009 - 19:50 | 18.41m using 212 of 300 balls | 1,185 | 1 day 5 hours |
Highest ever tower: 18.41m