Pichamelu's World of Goo profile

Pichamelu's Profile
Events witnessed:
  • Connected to online leaderboard
  • World Of Goo Corporation opened
  • Whistle found
Levels played: 23
Balls collected: 453
Total time played: 4 hours 13 min
World of Goo Corporation
Balls available: 192 total
11 bound
181 free
0 new
Construction: 10 nodes
18 strands
Height: 2.48m
World of Goo Corporation Construction
Official Levels
OCD Balls Moves Time
Going Up-2 balls950:33
Small Divide-2 balls14102:13
Hang Low-8 balls14141:59
Impale Sticky-4 balls38204:07
Ivy Towers-8 balls830816:53
Flying Machine+137 time6342:33
Tumbler-9 balls2616010:12
Fisty's Bog+12 moves10263:46
Chain+0 balls25544:35
Tower of Goo-22 balls46845:23
Ode to the Bridge Builder-12 balls26382:48
Regurgitation Pumping Station+122 moves016410:20
Drool-1 balls23192:51
Fly Away Little Ones-1 balls11835:40
Blustery Day-2 balls1610110:13
Welcoming Unit-2 balls5930719:34
Beauty School+15 time1860:36
Leap Hole+40 time8100:53
Volcanic Percolator Day Spa+1 moves18312:37
Beauty and the Electric Tentacle-11 balls181058:01
Whistler+63 time2621:32
The Red Carpet+15 moves18603:21
Genetic Sorting Machine+26 moves16504:54
1 / 22 453 1,691 125:34