AnGeL's World of Goo profile

AnGeL's Profile
Events witnessed:
  • Connected to online leaderboard
  • World Of Goo Corporation opened
Levels played: 12
Balls collected: 229
Total time played: 2 hours 41 min
World of Goo Corporation
Balls available: 115 total
115 bound
0 free
0 new
Construction: 74 nodes
180 strands
Height: 14.78m
World of Goo Corporation Construction
Official Levels
OCD Balls Moves Time
Going Up-1 balls1041:09
Small Divide-2 balls14101:28
Hang Low-7 balls15132:19
Impale Sticky-8 balls34232:51
Ivy Towers-7 balls925817:04
Flying Machine+22 time660:38
Fisty's Bog+14 moves10283:39
Tumbler-10 balls25512:40
Tower of Goo-17 balls51572:24
Chain+0 balls25473:15
Ode to the Bridge Builder-8 balls30341:58
Regurgitation Pumping Station+29 moves0718:51
1 / 11 229 602 48:16