J4cks0n's World of Goo profile

J4cks0n's Profile
Events witnessed:
  • Connected to online leaderboard
  • World Of Goo Corporation opened
Levels played: 7
Balls collected: 134
Total time played: 27 min 32 sec
World of Goo Corporation
Balls available: 107 total
51 bound
56 free
56 new
Construction: 35 nodes
77 strands
Height: 6.34m
World of Goo Corporation Construction
Official Levels
OCD Balls Moves Time
Going Up+0 balls1130:22
Small Divide+0 balls1680:19
Hang Low-6 balls16120:54
Impale Sticky-2 balls40221:50
Ivy Towers+0 balls16502:06
Tumbler+0 balls351192:49
4 / 2 134 214 8:20
Fan Levels
OCD Balls Moves Time