...tiago...'s World of Goo profile

...tiago...'s Profile
Events witnessed:
  • Connected to online leaderboard
  • World Of Goo Corporation opened
Levels played: 7
Balls collected: 124
Total time played: 5 hours 25 min
World of Goo Corporation
Balls available: 66 total
63 bound
3 free
0 new
Construction: 39 nodes
84 strands
Height: 7.58m
World of Goo Corporation Construction
Official Levels
OCD Balls Moves Time
Going Up+0 balls1130:25
Small Divide+0 balls1681:00
Hang Low+0 balls2261:29
Impale Sticky+0 balls42162:40
Ivy Towers+0 balls16463:32
Flying Machine+0 time660:16
Fisty's Bog+0 moves11140:45
7 / 0 124 99 10:07