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Protected Relic

A proof of concept: When you wake a ball up, the floor explodes. This might violate the guidelines for being too small, but I feel like it could be expanded on, so I posted it here

Block Goo
Some gameplay

A level intended to be for Saman's contest.

How to play:

Use the fire cracker dispenser to get mini explosives to blow up the block (Don't forget to wake it up first though lol).

Use the gear found in the middle to "mine" the ores

Get the minerals into the pipe

Orange Juice
Oranges tree

This is my level in which I decided to make a new gooball that is an orange and the good thing is that these can stick just like the pokey and my new gooball have a much nicer appearance. Smile

GOL: 5 ball (easy Wink )
TOC: 38 (But you will have to burst the beauty)

And you can comment if you want more easier my level Tongue

Main part

Hey! it's Volcanojungle!

This is a new and simple level with a big sawblade who come from nowhere in the middle of nowhere. But some goos too were in middle of nowhere, and the pipe is on the other side of the deadly spinning blade...

Grpahics from World of Goo 1/2: Gooey Goo
Sawbalde: SeraphimGWS

Balls required to finish the level: 6
OCD: 18 balls (my personal best, but i think 20 or more is possible)

Burnsty Sad Road (cancelled contest level)

Heyyy! It's Volcanojungle!

I made (a long time ago) a level for a contest that is actually cancelled so I put it there.

OCD:7 balls

Deadly trees

be careful on the way to the pipe
these trees have "special" goos, and when I say special I mean poisonous and deadly also keep an eye on the spikes...

(sorry for my bad english i used google translator)

also, i hide some goo products in this level, good luck to find them

My Very First Level

This is a level I sketched on paper roughly 7 years ago, and I finally found it today. I created this level before I knew anything about GooFans, GooTool, WooGLE, or goomods in general, and it has incredible sentimental value to me. Imagine if my childhood self could see this...

Snow Problem

Protect the bit! u will need it >:)
Dificulty: 4.6/10
construccion time: 5hrs 42m

Burning Man Extended

Hey everyone! Welcome to a new series I will be starting (and hopefully continuing) The Extended Levels! This when I get a main level from the original game and I make it longer, hints the name extended.

My Goal for this project is not to just copy pre-made levels and modify it, but to add my own ideas in. Please, do comment what level I should "extend" next Wink

Created By DemonGamer:

the shattered piece filled city
title for my earlier mod

i made this inspired by gooeys level Graceful Highrise
