Input needed for goomod format 1.1

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Input needed for goomod format 1.1davidc05/09/2009 - 18:37

I'm working on goomod file format 1.1, please give your input:

I'm especially interested in anything that you're finding tricky or impossible to do through the current format. I put the goomod 1.0 spec out almost 6 months ago and never really got any feedback before it went live. But now there are many more modders than before, so here's your chance to influence the next version. I don't own the format (and really do not want to because I want it to be more generally useful) but I'm currently the only one developing it.

Also, as a new spec-version, it doesn't even need to be backward-compatible if there's something that could have been done better in the previous version. Please comment!