We've set up a Minecraft server open to all, but particularly World of Goo Fans. You can connect to it at mc.goofans.com (or minecraft.goofans.com).
A map is available online. Note that north is confusingly to the bottom left of this map (see the red mark in the compass in the upper right).
See also the FAQ.
No griefing, no mucking around with other people's homes, no stealing from chests, and so forth - be respectful.
One free set of tools (diamondpick, diamondshovel, diamondaxe, diamondsword, compass, 64 torches) are available for each new player, the first time they logon. Just ask a moderator.
Please only build things appropriate to the area you're in. It's up in the air at the moment, but we're likely to have areas reserved for: fantasy/medieval, modern/futuristic, pixel art.
Please don't leave construction blocks lying around - e.g. tall towers in the sky to see where you are, or glass blocks from using /up.
Trusted group
By default, new users have very few privileges. Once we know who you are, we'll add you to the Trusted group, so you can do things like:
- use the disposal signs (right click a [Disposal] sign and drop any item in there you want destroyed)
- move around by left-clicking your compass (right-click to switch to thru-mode)
- use /top, /up, /ceil and /unstuck to move
- use /warp to jump to predefined warp locations
- check your location using /depth, getpos and /compass
- teleport to people using /tpa (use /tpaccept to accept someone's teleport request)
- set your personal home and spawn point using /sethome and return there using /home
- jump back to your previous location using /back
- make yourself invincible with /god (use it each time you login)
- heal yourself using /heal
- make it daytime using /time day
- stop the blasted rain using /weather sun
Protected areas
Some areas are protected so that you can't build there. If you try to build or dig, it will immediately reverse. This includes the spawn area and personal homes.
If you wish to stake your claim to an unoccupied area, we can set up protection so that only you can build there. We can also set up a warp so that you can use /warp to teleport there.
Interaction with web chat/IRC
In web chat/IRC, you can see when people join or leave the game. You can also say .players in the channel to see who is online, or .say MESSAGE to send a message to people on the game.
In the game, you can use /ircwho wog to see who is on IRC, or /irc MESSAGE to send a message to everyone in the channel.
To promote a user to Trusted, do (case matters):
/pr PlayerName create /pr PlayerName promote t:Trust
To demote them, do:
/pr PlayerName demote t:Trust
You can demote them from Default to BadEgg with the same command. This should stop them building or doing anything. Or you could just ban them.
To set up protection, select an area using the WorldEdit selection commands (normally, //wand, left click, right click), test it using //outline glass, //undo to reverse the glass box, expand or contract it as necessary, then /region define ID OWNER. ID is the region name, example, "mom_home". OWNER is the only person who can build there.
The protected area should not extend more than a few blocks below sealevel unless they have extensive underground works. Neither should it extend higher than the highest point of their structure.
You can add members to the group so others can build using /region addmember. To amend a region, /region select loads it into your current selection, from where you can modify it using the normal WorldEdit commands, and save it again using /region redefine.
To set up a warp, go to the location and /setwarp WARPNAME. Personal warps should be prefixed with the user's name or nickname, for example "mom.home", "dc.spaceship". To remove a warp, use /delwarp.
You can teleport to people immediately using /tp, or teleport them to you using /tphere.
You can create garbage disposal signs by making a sign with the first line [Disposal]. You can make healing signs with the first line [Heal].
You can kick people with /kick, ban them with /ban (reverse with /unban), and jail them with /tjail.
You can give yourself items using /item ITEMNAME QTY, e.g. /item wool 5. You can give items to other people using /give PLAYER ITEMNAME QTY. All moderator actions are logged - the normal rules for free items apply (one free set of tools per player, once), except in exceptional circumstances.