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an easy, small level i made using forcefields. Enjoy!

Factory Smokes

Hi! This is one of my fisrt levels!
It's called Factory Smokes and it's a easier remake of Uppershaft with more goos and more bombs (and casually, more gears and fire).

I hope you'll enjoy!

(P.S.: don't pay attention to my english, he is very bad ^^' )

0.2: added OCD (30 balls) and up ball required for finishing the level to 5

Cogs and Gears

Hi! This is a new level created by Volcanojungle!

This is a mix of UpperShaft and antoher level... don't remember which.

(P.S: I don't know how to change OCD and goo required)

main place

Hi! It's Volcanojungle!

I created a new goo: the GunpowderFuseBall!

It's a Fuse Goo but grey and only one strand (Gunpowder burn also faster)

Balls required:5
OCD:15 balls

I hope you'll enjoy!

Edit: version 0.2 fix a bug with Gunpowder balls (the ball die of fire before the strand start to burn)

Dark River
main place

Hey! It's Volcanojungle!

I created a new level who takes place in the heart of the Factory. A grey, dark and cog and gearfull Factory. A Factory who have many pipes. A lot of dangerous pipes.

Where do they come from?

Balls needed to finish the level: 9

OCD: 20 (very easy)

I hope you'll enjoy!

Edit: 0.2 fix a bug with the gunpowder balls

Main Drain

Hey! It's Volcanojungle!

Here it is: Main Drain, the final destination... but where leads this pipe?

Previous level: Main Pipeline|Next one: Waste Storage Unit (published in Gooey Goo's Vanilla Contest) |Very next level (after WSU): Into the Waste Landfill (now availble but WSU not)

Main part

Hey! it's Volcanojungle!

This is a new and simple level with a big sawblade who come from nowhere in the middle of nowhere. But some goos too were in middle of nowhere, and the pipe is on the other side of the deadly spinning blade...

Grpahics from World of Goo 1/2: Gooey Goo
Sawbalde: SeraphimGWS

Balls required to finish the level: 6
OCD: 18 balls (my personal best, but i think 20 or more is possible)

Snowy Day
Main part

Hey! It's Volcanojungle!

This is a level who could be difficult as simple: the snow part are slippery!

I simplify the level because it was too difficult fo go on the other cliff...

Balls needed to finish the level:4
OCD: 20 balls

the custom cliffs are made by Volcanojungle. You can use them in your level but plz credit me Smile

W6 (entry and exit of the factory; factor W6)
main place

W6 is the very first level of my new chapter: thefactoryLands!

Grass Islands
Start of the level

Hey! It's Volcanojungle!

This is a little and calm level who takes place in a two-island place

Balls required to finish the level: 5
OCD: 12 balls (i think 15 is possible, but hard)

Contain custom assets created by me. you can use them but plz credit me Smile
