Fire S.

Fire S.'s picture


About Me

I'm just a guy who plays World of Goo and tries to make the most fun out of it. I am also starting to become an addin developer, but don't fully quote me on that. And in addition, I've got one thing that the one of the site badges directly says: "Too Much Free Time" lol. Smile

Current Projects:
- IMF's WOG Tour - Goomod Version (About 78% DONE) [HAS BEEN CANCELLED AS OF 20 APR 2019]
- Stairs of Hope - A New World of Goo Addin (About 18% Done)
Stats on this Addin:
- Levels Done: 16 of 75
- Chapters Done: 0 of 5
- Errors Currently: 1

Errors Being Received:
==> Chapter 1's XSL has a launch error of this: "The processing instruction target matching [xX][mM][lL] is not allowed." No idea what that means, so let me know on the IWT Goomod Help Thread forum thread. (Linked here: )

World of Goo

Towers by Fire S.

Fire S. hasn't uploaded any World of Goo Corporation towers.

Addins by Fire S.

Fire S. hasn't created any World of Goo addins.


Member for
7 years 47 weeks