Fire S.
- About Me
I'm just a guy who plays World of Goo and tries to make the most fun out of it. I am also starting to become an addin developer, but don't fully quote me on that. And in addition, I've got one thing that the one of the site badges directly says: "Too Much Free Time" lol.
Current Projects:
- IMF's WOG Tour - Goomod Version (About 78% DONE) [HAS BEEN CANCELLED AS OF 20 APR 2019]
- Stairs of Hope - A New World of Goo Addin (About 18% Done)
Stats on this Addin:
- Levels Done: 16 of 75
- Chapters Done: 0 of 5
- Errors Currently: 1Errors Being Received:
==> Chapter 1's XSL has a launch error of this: "The processing instruction target matching [xX][mM][lL] is not allowed." No idea what that means, so let me know on the IWT Goomod Help Thread forum thread. (Linked here: )
World of Goo
- Towers by Fire S.
Fire S. hasn't uploaded any World of Goo Corporation towers.
- Addins by Fire S.
Fire S. hasn't created any World of Goo addins.
- Member for
- 7 years 47 weeks