crazy world

Author: Chillo
Total downloads: 3,485
Latest version: 0.4.5 BETA
Release date: 10/26/2014 - 06:22
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Overall rating
Your rating: None Average: 3.5 (2 votes)
Difficulty rating
Your rating: None Average: 1.5 (2 votes)

this mostly trying my best to be creative Smile
remember I tried my best

updates->0.3 is ocd change to 15 moves 0.2 is 20 balls< (there both the same)

what to send me messages or contact me, now you can

Update: I have not been on Goofans in a long time and my god this level has over 1K downloads and its still being downloaded WOW!

Can't get youtube data for 1CXCgBZThNs

There is 1 video.

There is 1 screenshot.

VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
0.4.5 BETAAllSun, 10/26/2014 - 06:22anthony54444.levels.crazyworld.goomod11.42 KB761
0.3AllWed, 06/18/2014 - 01:59anthony54444.levels.crazyworld.goomod10.93 KB686
0.3. (Easter Egg type)WindowsWed, 06/18/2014 - 02:25anthony54444.levels.crazyworld.goomod12.75 KB635
0.2AllTue, 06/17/2014 - 14:44anthony54444.levels.crazyworld.goomod10.93 KB716
0.1AllTue, 06/17/2014 - 14:32anthony54444.levels.crazyworld.goomod10.8 KB686

There are 2 current downloads. Show 3 archived downloads.