
Chillo's picture


About Me

Heyo it's me Berry Diaboli or also known as Chillo, I am an old veteran here since 2014. My best friend on the website is Jim2102, best bud of mine since 2016. Anyways, thanks for dropping by!

World of Goo

Towers by Chillo
Namesort iconUpdatedHighest TowerBalls CollectedPlay Time
helloWed, 07/09/2014 - 23:5914.53m421 hour 56 min
METue, 07/01/2014 - 07:5710.89m41523 hours 29 min
Addins by Chillo

5/24/21 Level Contest!

This contest was themed around space-themed levels.

Download it here:

Winner: Gooba Ship by Gooey Goo

Level frames drawn by SuperMany

4/15/21 Level Contest!

The 9 levels submitted to the contest. We'll vote on them once everyone gets a chance to play them. This contest was themed around making interesting and unique levels that not many people have thought of before.

Winner: Rotting (by APerson/LuckyGooツ)

The second download is for Serafim's level, as it was too big to fit in the goomod. Make sure you play that one too! IMPORTANT: Don't download both at once: it'll crash.

Galaxy of Planets

Assets are found on free use

Music: Space Junk Galaxy
Composer: Mahito Yokota

The Space

All Assets done by me

Music from Nintendo

Freezeflame Galaxy (Ice) - Super Mario Galaxy

Gooey Plains

Hey guys I am back after many years of absence, but for now here is a quick level by my own creativity and love!

The Wake Up Call

Wake Up the goo balls at the other side!


* I can't take pics in game they turn black idk why

Update 1.2 - Changed the OCD to 13

The Pit

Sorry about the wait I was busy. So here it is...

Edit: this was a project from early 2017 and was canceled because my laptop wouldn't print screen for some random reason and so now I got a new one and now I can so I worked on the bugs and now its done!

Climb Up the Sign


Sorry I have been gone for awhile I had school and lots of work. So her is my level hope you enjoy it Laughing out loud

A world 2


The Catch

looks like my level Paint never got publish yet so I made this.

looks like its summer now so I amy take lots of brakes but I will be look after my levels and making updates so I can make levels.

all rights for the custom orange spike from .SlipKnoT._2_2


Member for
10 years 41 weeks


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