Fugitive Flying

Author: My Gom
Total downloads: 1,834
Latest version: 23.1
Release date: 04/23/2012 - 01:49
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Overall rating
Your rating: None Average: 4 (2 votes)
Difficulty rating
Your rating: None Average: 5 (2 votes)

Er, one of my favorite levels.
It's a little difficult but not hard.
You have to be careful!Exclamation Mark
You have 9 balls.
My best result is 4 balls.
Collect: 1 ball.
OCD: 3 balls.

There are 3 screenshots.

VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
23.1AllMon, 04/23/2012 - 01:49com.mygom.FugitiveFlying.goomod66.37 KB1,099
23.1AllSun, 04/22/2012 - 03:56com.mygom.crazyballoon.goomod66.37 KB735

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