Ice Age

Above GroundAuthor: ExchangeGOOtent
Total downloads: 2,838
Latest version: 1.3
Release date: 09/22/2010 - 20:47
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The Ice Age was a terribly cold time in...time. No one liked it. The World Goo Committee decided to end this, but they had to go down deep into the earth and heat it up there.

This goomod contains the following goos:
. BombHeat
. Ice
. C_common
. SeaPokey
. Sandbox_Anchor
. Virus
. NewVirus
. VolcanicProduct
. FireProduct
. LightProduct
. EarthProduct
. VineBall

Now you're probably wondering "What is 'NewVirus'?". Well...This was my 1st atempt at giving my Virus goo a fling trail affect (which no one will tell me how to do that). In the process I made "NewVirus" which will be the Buggiest of all the 3 Viruses. ( Evil ) You will get to know the NewVirus goo better in my upcoming level "Virus Box".

Also an older version of this level (Not sure about version 1.1) had a strange glitch in it. I will post a vid with the glitch in it but for now you can find it for yourself (Its around the 1st fire and involves the BombSticky goo when trying to light it but not conect it to the Ice/SeaPokey/C_common).

OCD is 41 moves which DaB claims is possible...


I may have gone over board with all the hot colour goos. Smile

Edit: Wow! I didn't expect this level to be so popular!

There are 2 screenshots.

Above Ground
Below Ground
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
1.3AllWed, 09/22/2010 - 20:47id.Ice Age 1.3.goomod637.4 KB2,836

There is 1 current download.