Daft as Brush

Daft as Brush's picture

World of Goo

Towers by Daft as Brush
Namesort iconUpdatedHighest TowerBalls CollectedPlay Time
DaB - TowerFri, 03/11/2011 - 11:5148.84m9492 days 9 hours
Daft as BrushTue, 02/23/2010 - 08:5033.15m1,3363 weeks 6 days
Addins by Daft as Brush

World Spin

This addin places all the levels from the original game into chapter 1!

Concept and a lot of the work was done by Daft as Brush; I finished it up and packaged.

The idea for this is to make it so that chapter addins can override any of the other islands without worry of overwriting the original levels. Overriding island 1 will be prohibited in the near future because of this.

Dynamic Main Menu

Fed up of the same tired old static Main Menu....?

Well... now all your worries are over!

With just a single application of this simple mod, you can say goodbye to boring old stationary buttons...

and say "HELLO!" to ones that move about a bit.

Props to Albino Pokey for finding / spotting the "anchor" attribute!

version 0.5

Now done entirely as merges,so compatible with the new versions of Pavke's "New Look" and "Towersome"...

Changed the buttons so they spin, rather than hinge from way above... simplifies a lot of stuff.

World of Goo Movie Editor


We have made this page public so that testers can download and check the package.
Everything's a bit "raw" and somethings aren't well understood ..

Please use the comments below for reporting problems....

Attributes that are too limited, or not limited enough
Combinations of values (or missing values) that can crash the game
Program error messages.. and what you did just before it appeared.
Technical Issues regarding the movie / animation encoding.

DaB's Discoveries and Experimental Fings


Fings wot I made / found / unearthed / imagined....

World of Goo Ball Editor



We have made this page public so that testers can download and check the package.
If you're NOT a tester, but just can't wait to try it, OK, but you're on your own.
Don't come running to us if it doesn't work or you don't understand or don't know how to do something.... that comes later!

Please use the comments below for reporting problems....

Attributes that are too limited, or not limited enough
Combinations of values (or missing values) that can crash the game

Texture Format and Size Tests

A series of test levels to find out what formats and sizes of graphics files are "suitable" for the game. The aim is to get these levels tested on as many different platforms and systems as possible. Then to use the results to produce some "Guidelines" for level designers regarding the custom graphics they use.

Test #1 : 1024x1024 JPEG
Test #2 : 2048x2048 RGBA PNG
Test #3 : 2048x2048 LA PNG
Test #4 : 2048x2048 JPEG
Test #5 : 2400x2400 PNG
Test #6 : 2400x2400 JPEG
Test #7 : 4100x4100 PNG

Help us out!

WooGLE - Fish Ball Fix

This addin is a companion for the World of Goo Level Editor (WooGLE)

It fixes the resource name errors in the original Fish ball.

This addin is ONLY required if you want to use the Fish ball in a custom level with WooGLE 0.74 or higher

This addin makes no functional,graphical or gameplay changes to the Fish ball!

Island 1 Enlarger

Extends the scene to the right...

Temporary Stop-Gap Measure!

I noticed people are starting to struggle with the 30 extra levels limit.
So.. until davidc gets around to re-writing GooTool...

This addin increases the size of Island 1.. allowing up to 100 (maybe 120) levels to be installed at the same time.


Experimental Trickery!

Inspired by momo1526's "Pulley Up" idea... although it's nothing like that level.

Since then I've had a few more ideas of my own.

v0.2 - Better Spinner - New Signs
v0.3 - Mostly a few geometry tweaks
- Replaced the big Fire with a sticky out pipe, Moved a Sign
- Added a couple of particles and goo drips

v0.4 - New "feature" added about half way up
- New Util Ball - UtilNuker
- A couple of custom particle effects

This entire goomod was created automatically by WooGLE

Break Out

Version 2.0

Version 0.1

Just a silly idea I had while I was investigating a couple of things for WoG Editor.
Mind the Red Ones!

Version 2.0

In collaboration with XDBoy... now ... BETTER!
"You have to let go of the Paddle!"

@Linux 64bit users : Let me know what happens when you finish the level! Wink

Version 2.1

Tweaked the graphics layout and improved 4:3 and 16:9 sizes


Member for
15 years 40 weeks


ContributorSenior ArchitectAddin AuthorKleptomaniacToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD