World of Goo Ball Editor

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Total downloads: 21,085
Latest version: 0.14 RC2
exe Full Installation
Release date: 09/25/2010 - 06:41
We have made this page public so that testers can download and check the package.
If you're NOT a tester, but just can't wait to try it, OK, but you're on your own.
Don't come running to us if it doesn't work or you don't understand or don't know how to do something.... that comes later!
Please use the comments below for reporting problems....
Attributes that are too limited, or not limited enough
Combinations of values (or missing values) that can crash the game
Program error messages.. and what you did just before it appeared.
Technical Issues regarding the automatic goomod creation / dependancies.
Suggestions for improvements that will help everyone.. not just you.
Please do NOT use the comments below to ask...
How do I make a GooBall? How do I make it do...? What does this attribute do?
What does that mean? It says there's a problem... how do I fix it?
I clicked play and the game crashed... help!
All the reference info we've got about Balls, the tags and the attributes is here..... Please use it!
And feel free to leave comments on those pages if you think anything is wrong or unclear.
Version | Platform | Release Date | Filename | Size | Downloads |
0.14 RC2 exe Full Installation | Windows | Sat, 09/25/2010 - 06:41 | WooBLE-0.14-RC2-setup.exe | 7.08 MB | 17,032 |
0.14 RC2 Source | All | Fri, 09/24/2010 - 09:30 | | 10.03 MB | 741 |
0.14 RC1 exe Full Installation | Windows | Tue, 09/21/2010 - 13:16 | WooBLE-0.14-RC1-setup.exe | 7.08 MB | 2,078 |
0.14 RC1 Source | All | Tue, 09/21/2010 - 13:14 | | 916.71 KB | 831 |
There are 4 current downloads.
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Thu, 08/19/2010 - 21:08
If this site had a "like" button, I'd "like" this. But apparently its creator doesn't pay attention to momentary trends. At any rate, bravo!
Thu, 08/19/2010 - 23:41
anyway, the creator of this site, whoever that might be, has in his wisdom put a 5-star rating on this site. that might not be as trendy anymore, but is still better than a Like button.
(if you're wondering why i speak so highly of the 5 star rating system, and there are still 0 votes, then yeah... that'll have to wait. i have my reasons...
Dude, i told you to put the money in a bag. with a dollar sign on it. put it in the trashcan, on the north entrance of the Memorial Park!)*cough*
DaB for president!
| Fly Her to the Moon (with Antigravity Goo) | Infinitive Windows Freezer (unlimited Goo playground) |
Fri, 08/20/2010 - 03:34
Why wait, gave 5/5, and I wonder why didn't I vote the first day it came out
My Gooish profile | Videos on YouTube | My WOG Mods
Fri, 08/20/2010 - 04:03
I voted 4/5, 'cos it's not finished..
and also a 5.0 total would put it at the very top of the "Highest Rated" list in the Portal...
and that would just attract "unwanted" attention at the moment.
Will change my vote later... if I think the final version is worthy of a DaB 5* rating
Fri, 08/20/2010 - 14:23
Wow! Beta version already! (and to think that I suggested this... THIS SOUNDS AWESOME) I AM SO TRYING THIS OUT!!! Total bug and suggestion reporter at your service, Daft!
Okay, first thing, you MUST change the WoG directory to your modded one created by GooTool (should be in desktop folder GooTool Addins). It won't work otherwise and it will tell you that some folder does not exist. So change the directory and you will be able to start editing. So far so AWESOME!! I've already made some goo dispensers and they work great! I can't wait for the next non-BETA version! Only one problem so far: You can't move the parts by yourself. You have to input the x and y axis location for now. Other than that, this is great!
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
Sat, 08/21/2010 - 10:35
Very good, I created my own gooball today...
I'll upload it later.
When it gets to final, it would help many users to add a tutorial on how to navigate everything.
And you should probably make the program bring up a menu asking WHERE IS MOD WOG?!?! because the default dir is not right.
Sat, 08/21/2010 - 10:53
Re: Initial Path
Yeah.. it's supposed to do that.. "on first run" it should ask you to find the WoG folder.
But... looks like a "fix" I put in for something else, has broken that... sorted now.
Sat, 08/21/2010 - 12:30
My only problem with this is that the ball xml is formatted in a weird way, making it almost impossible to manual-edit. Also, why not allow changes to original balls? It would let me fix the fish, beauty, drainedish, and so on!
Other than that, it's a great program! (what's that eyeball thing in the screenshots though?) I like testing 100 ZBombMoms or UtilGooGlobberMoms and watching what happens
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sat, 08/21/2010 - 12:34
Wait...I just found and tested some attributes that ARE NOT IN THE REFERENCE GUIDE! What about "decay," "staticwhensleeping," "maxdragforce," and "thrust"?
Decay means it dies after n seconds.
staticwhensleeping is obvious.
But what about the other 2?
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sat, 08/21/2010 - 12:41
Ssshhh! They are my new discoveries....
I had a bit of rummage around in the game exe with a hex editor, and turned up a few things that aren't mentioned or used in any of the original balls... but they're still there in the exe and "work".
I've spent a while "playing around" with them... and I'm pretty sure I know what they do..
but I was trying to keep them a bit quiet, in the hope I could use them to produce some interesting "new" balls....
But you've blown that now eh?
Oh.. and... I think you'll find that 2DBoy's original (hand editted) XML's are actually the ones formatted in a "weird" way... "weird" in that they are reasonably easy to read.
Sat, 08/21/2010 - 12:45
we have to investigate the new atributes more, DaB found them somehow.
staticwhensleeping is an "old" attribute
with it, the ball is static when sleeping
(like static geometry. can't be moved.)
edit: ninja'd by the master of goo discovery himself
| Fly Her to the Moon (with Antigravity Goo) | Infinitive Windows Freezer (unlimited Goo playground) |
Sat, 08/21/2010 - 16:35
Sorry... I won't comment on any more newly discovered ball attributes. Oh, by the way, are there any more?
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sat, 08/21/2010 - 18:19
I think there's a couple you haven't mentioned, but also it looks like there are LESS!
Several of the attributes that appear in the original XML files don't seem to exist in the exe anymore... flammable rope and possibly geom all seem to have been superceeded in the exe, but are still "mentioned" in some of the data files.
I also found some more new stuff for levels, a whole new "thing" and some additional attributes of things.. but I haven't investigate fully... yet.
Sun, 08/22/2010 - 15:29
Hi, DaB! I found out what
is about...In case you didn't figure out what it was already...
Seems like it was an early version of trying to optimize the game. An
ball can freeze.If the structure it is built onto is perfectly still (i.e. if no balls are running on the structure or if the ball is on the ground), it just stops moving.
You can still detach it, however, and it acts "normal".
This is cool! I'm gonna test it some more!
EDIT: Unfortunately, these guys take a really long time to freeze, and don't turn into solid rock (they still vibrate and move when a Beauty hits them). It would make for some interesting tower-building, etc. however! They look like partially-solid Jello.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Sun, 08/22/2010 - 15:46
Hey... Great Work!
I think they "freeze" once they are almost still anyway... might just be "time", but if I keep hitting a tower it keeps wobbling and only freeze when I leave it to "settle", and then it seems to "freeze" from the bottom up.
I think this must be the "effect" that Peter B's auto-clicker somehow activated...
You're right, would make for some tall towers! But we'd be able to tell
And I think it must be what sometimes lets you pull a Block out of a pile and leave the one above floating.
Bit more investigating, then I'll add it to the reference page... Thanks
Sun, 08/22/2010 - 16:34
Ah, yes! Exactly right! I noticed this a while ago with the the blocks with visualdebug on...
Which explains why blocks have autodisable set to true.
When visualdebug is on and the goo is disabled, the geometry shape turns from green to red. I think this is used for the blocks because they start vibrating if stacked too high, and this makes it virtually impossible to stack them correctly.
EDIT: Sorry for ranting. I was just overly excited about discovering something.
IRC | Chapter Tutorial | Reference Guide
Sun, 08/22/2010 - 17:19
Is it possible to make the blocks change appearance when it happens? You know, freezing a water structure to ice if you leave it standing for too long...
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Mon, 08/23/2010 - 10:02
That would be cool, but alas I think not. When they freeze they remain in the attached or standing states, so they won't change appearance when they freeze.
Wed, 08/25/2010 - 10:50
Ummmmm... new problem here! The test level included with the ball editor keeps closing (NOT crashing) as if I had pressed the Continue handle before the level even started! I mean that the "WOOGLE-(testing 123)" appears but then the level closes. And I don't know why. I had my ball open (MoodRingBall, in case you would like to know, and that is a ball that changes color according to it's state) with everything that the ball needs, but this is all that happens!
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
Wed, 08/25/2010 - 11:03
@TheGooMasters OK... questions...
1) What version of WooBLE?
2) Does WooBLE show any Advice or Warnings when you click the Play Test Chamber button?
3) Does it only do it with your MoodRingBall? Try loading common and play the Test Chamber with that.
4) Will WooBLE let you make a goomod of the MoodRingBall?
err... maybe more questions when I have the answers to those.
Thu, 08/26/2010 - 06:20
Found a really cool glich
i made exactly the same (i really think so) Gooball as the Ivy gooball... but if i've got a little geom, theyre walking away?!? oO
but i really lite this glich ^^
its always away from the pipe in leftbounds
Thu, 08/26/2010 - 06:28
UR right
the "Decay" wakes up a really GOO-d Idea in me.. Ancient Goobaals, theyre, quite good, like, they are like glue or they can have 5 strands, but they're dieing after 5 mins or something like that
I'll try it out
Thu, 08/26/2010 - 08:54
@Daft as Brush
Turns out that I have the 0.1 version. I'll update it to the new 0.11 version, as I have the first version. So that answers your first question.
Your second question is easy: NO warning screens appear, the level appears to run normally but right before the level actually appears in closes!!! Well, now with the new version, a warning screen DID appear, but even after I fixed the problems it STILL wouldn't run.
The third is also easy: when I run the Common ball, it works, but when I do it with my MoodRingBall it just closes!
And as for the fourth: It allows me to make a .goomod file, with the correct fill-ins that are required in the addin tab.
So I have answerd all of your questions. Any help, please?
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
Thu, 08/26/2010 - 09:06
One more question.. What was the problem that you fixed?
If the new version will still let you make the goomod, please uploaded it (here or mediafire or wherever)
I'll DL and take a look... sounds like you've found some setting (or combination of settings) or "something" that the game doesn't like.. If I can figure out what then...
a) You can fix your ball
b) I can add a check to the next version of WooBLE to warn folk about the problem.
Fri, 08/27/2010 - 09:10
The changes fixed were: Strand maxlen 1&2, and no part named "body"
P.S. The images were from the "Color of Goo" common ball changer.
P.S.S. I don't do any sites which share media, files, (I don't do YouTube either, but I do watch it), etc. and I don't want to upload it here because it will take up space with something that is really useless anyway.
P.S.S.S. I am transforming some goos (like GooProduct) into Sandbox versions so that they actually will be useful. I've already made Sandbox_GooProduct that is now draggable, not grumpy, and detachable. More gooey fun!!
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
Fri, 08/27/2010 - 09:20
Re: P.S.S.
Well I really can't help you then. No problem uploading it here, and don't worry about space, I'll just delete it once I've got it.
Re: P.S.S.S
Err... sounds just like a Drained.. but black... and not really GooProduct anymore.
Fri, 08/27/2010 - 16:28
How about using my GlowProduct?
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Sun, 08/29/2010 - 07:40
What about my discovery, that part's layer is useless? Will GooBLE (it's better name, I think) change order of part definitions to help defining depth?
Author of Platforms of Goo and 64 levels for World of Goo .
Sun, 08/29/2010 - 13:53
Yup! (I think)... Planning to make it sort the psrt's by layer when it saves.
Also rearrange all the items into the "familiar" order... markers,shadow, strands etc first, parts, sinvariance and sounds last.
Fri, 09/10/2010 - 21:49
OK, so go here for the MoodRingBall problem (MODS ONLY):
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
Sat, 09/11/2010 - 03:32
Hey Thanks!
Found the problem with the ball, and problem in the code which meant is wasn't saying it was a problem.
part1 has no image specified, and that will crash the game.
For now, if you remove part1 the ball will start working again. Next version of WooBLE will flag that as an error.
Also found the problem with it reporting "throw sound not last" even if it was last... thanks for pointing that out.
Sat, 09/11/2010 - 21:00
yea the "throw sound is not last on the list" error is SO ANNOYING!
Tue, 09/14/2010 - 18:10
NEW ERROR: Says that IMAGE_GENERIC_SPRING_GOO_INACTIVE or whatever is unused when it IS used in the Strand_Inactive place.
SEEMINGLY DO-NOTHING ATTRIBUTE: "Srrand Geom=true" doesn't seem to do anything. I believe that it is supposed to make strands solid, like geometry, but it doesn't seem to do anything...
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
Tue, 09/14/2010 - 18:52
strand>geom and mass are needed for the rigid strand, which currently acts like a Slinky
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Wed, 09/15/2010 - 03:47
Not seeing that here.... Which Version?
Have you double-checked the inactive resource name against the one it says it is unused... ?
geom is set in a couple of the original XML files, but it has now been confirmed that it is unused. It has already been removed for the next verion of WooBLE.
Wed, 09/15/2010 - 06:46
I thought you couldn't test rigid strands without mass and geom set?
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Wed, 09/15/2010 - 06:53
Nope.. just mass... geom is unused!
Thu, 09/16/2010 - 18:13
Version for WooBLE in Glitch with Inactive Strand Image: v0.13 BETA. Make custom ball with the Inactive strand image from _generic folder.
P.S. Where do the other ball inactive strand images come from? They appear to be the same as the Active... Exactly the same... but different...
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
Thu, 09/16/2010 - 18:40
Except Pokeys and Stickybombs.
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Fri, 09/17/2010 - 02:20
Hmmm, I suspect I know what the problem is.... stop me when this sounds familiar..
You've cloned one of the original balls and are making a new "custom" ball.
You've imported the _generic/spring_goo_inactive image maybe because there wasn't one showing in the resource list.
You do see an inactive image, and it looks like the spring_goo one you imported
But when you click Save or Play or whatever it says IMAGE__GENERIC_SPRING_GOO_INACTIVE is unused?
So you're reporting that as a Bug / Glitch / Error in the WooBLE... Right?
Well, importing the image does just that, imports it.
Just because it's called ...._INACTIVE doesn't mean it gets used as the inactive image.
Look at the Strand element in the ball tree, look for the inactiveimage entry.
Bet you it says... IMAGE_BALL_GENERIC_ARM_INACTIVE or something similar.
That means that it's not using IMAGE__GENERIC_SPRING_GOO_INACTIVE as the inactive image, and if you're not using it anywhere else .. then it's unused, so WooBLE tells you that.
The global resource IMAGE_BALL_GENERIC_ARM_INACTIVE = _generic/spring_goo_inactive anyway.
So there is never any need to import that image as resource into your ball.
Sat, 09/18/2010 - 11:03
a) I did NOT clone an original ball. I made my own.
b) I am using IMAGE_BALL_GENERIC_ARM_INACTIVE as the inactive image.
c) Original balls appear to be using INVISIBLE (which is far more than hidden) inactive images. NO inactive image ever appeared in the ball recourse file. I looked at Pokey.
d) I never imported the image more than once
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
Sat, 09/18/2010 - 11:16
Hehe... Sooo wrong!... It's my proof!
Which means it IS UNUSED
Sat, 09/18/2010 - 11:38
That is what I THINK is the inactive image. i'll edit the comment if it's actually different
EDIT: WHOA you are right! I accidentally put the image in generic (found in global files) instead of my imported generic image. So it should be fixed now... Yep, it's fixed. Thanks, Daft.
I'm playing Minecraft. My username is theMineMaster2. If you want to see my Cartoony mods updated, then be a Mac user and find a image editing program that isn't confusing for me
Tue, 09/21/2010 - 19:04
New bug!
When you load a custom ball the save icon is orange and it asks you to save changes when you click close...without changing anything!
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Thu, 09/23/2010 - 18:25
Sorry...python newbie question...what py file would the data about saving files be in?
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Thu, 09/23/2010 - 19:29
The top-level "Save Stuff" code is in the main module
They are methods of the GameModel class .. look for _savePackedData and _saveUnPackedData
Those methods take a Tree object... and call its to_xml() method.
Tree is defined in
Then if it's saving a ".bin" file that data gets passed on into for encryption using "whatever" based on which platform it's on.
Thu, 09/23/2010 - 20:44 about just the text.xml.bin on Save and Play?
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Fri, 09/24/2010 - 02:14
Err... well balls don't have text...
so the only time it'll do anything to that is when it's creating the TestChamber level... look for prepareTestChamber in (or search for text.xml.bin)
But that will call _savePackedData.. and that's.... (see above)
What you up to?
Fri, 09/24/2010 - 07:37
Another Planet finally has an official release! Download chapters 1 through 3 here! Thank you for waiting so long while I kept starting over.
Fri, 09/24/2010 - 08:17 -> BallWorld class -> search for saveModifiedElements
Now I know what you're up to... Good Luck!