
Goosweek's picture


About Me

Author of World of Goo Themed Platform Game and 64 custom World of Goo levels.

Notable addins:
Experimental Level Project (2010,2011,2016)
"Sunshine" themed level (I love this one)
Ivy Puzzles (A new standard in goo-building)
Impossible Mission
Tumbler in the Sky
The Demo Tower (the balls may expire)
Chamber of Secrets (Drool 2 inspired)
Play with the Goo-Physics:
Labyrinth of Surprises (Gotcha! inspired)
Ode to Chain Builder
Cannon of Goo
Transporting Machine
Escape from the Collector
Nice tiny experiments:
Escape from the Distant Planet, Pipe Problem, A Big Fall, The Evil Edge, The Other Climbing, Tower in Darkness.

World of Goo

Towers by Goosweek
Namesort iconUpdatedHighest TowerBalls CollectedPlay Time
PiotrMon, 01/18/2010 - 09:2729.71m1,1164 days 6 hours
PiotrSat, 01/30/2010 - 04:4831.32m1,1594 days 15 hours
PiotrSun, 02/07/2010 - 07:3725.61m1,1644 days 17 hours
PiotrFri, 03/05/2010 - 01:2832.38m1,1714 days 20 hours
PiotrSat, 03/13/2010 - 13:3633.56m1,1935 days 4 hours
PiotrSun, 04/18/2010 - 03:2830.30m1,1956 days 8 hours
PiotrSat, 05/08/2010 - 07:4110.24m1,2026 days 20 hours
PiotrSun, 02/13/2011 - 13:1535.13m1,2721 week 9 hours
Addins by Goosweek

Beauty in chains

When a Beauty can't go to a gear, you have to get the gear to the Beauty!

OCD is 25 balls (try to find out yourself where the extra balls can be hidden!) but it is almost the same effort to collect all 38 available.

Dragless Levels II

Snap to the Grid (overview)

Goosweek's (almost) Last Addin

I return after few years with these new levels. Each one has a different graphic theme!

  1. Snap to the Grid - just a detonation quest but the Grid prevents you to play with the Goos so easily!
  2. Ghost Wheel - it's invisible for Goo Balls unless you drag them.
  3. Tower in Madness - just a tower, but the spinning junk causes you can't hold the Goo Balls anywhere! (And the name is a reference to my 10th level)
  4. Antivirus - ISH-themed level involving invading a planet and passing through an infected area.

Dragless Levels

Helpfull Hand

Two levels based on nodrag lines.

Helpfull Hand

I invented this level years ago, but had no idea how to make it playable... The hand with detaching gear keeps tickling the Goo Balls. But you can use it to lengthen the rope!

Tower Lock

How to get down not actually going down? Only 28 balls for OCD.

See also Dragless Levels II for more curious applications of dragless "solids".

Beauty's Short Bony Road

Rise from the dead

Do you know how the Bone Goo looks like when it's alive? Play this level to see. Smile

I wonder how many balls can be collected (technical upper bound is 30)...

The Ugly Flight

Fly Away Big One!

We know for ages that the Ugly Balls are lighter than air. But has anyone built a flying machine of them? If not, this level is a nice occasion to see flying abilities of the Ugly in action!

rotationaldampeningfactor makes this level quite easy.

Goosweek's Special for PoG

I decided to post my PoG addins outside the main Platforms of Goo page.
To install this addin extract the zip file into levels folder of your Platforms of Goo (inter folder and GoosweekSpecial.ord.txt file should appear).

Goosweek's Special Level Set

is a set of PoG levels dedicated to really good players since most of Specials are much harder than any level in official chapters. Because of the difficulty, all of those levels can be skipped, and there's no need for solving them in order.

Some of Sepcials are showing features and inventions to inspire level designers.

Ivy Puzzles

The first puzzle

My 52nd and 64th levels at GooFans.

The balls you can see are not true Ivy Balls. Playing with my fake Ivies is quite original. I've never seen any other detachable-not-draggable ball.

Since version 1.1 (2023) there are two levels. Both with moves OCD.

Escape from the Collector

Goosweek's Goomods Factory presents a new incredible level:

Goo Balls stuck in wrong Goo Collector. Help them to go out.

OCD is 30 balls and I think it's difficult enough.
I wonder how many balls are possible to collect.

Star Please rate Star

Pipe Problems

Two levels with weird exit-features:
The exit issue (2012) - my 50th level which looks easy at first glance...
Pipe problems (2023) - pipe is blocking the way!

Impossible Mission

The Sign Painter said that this level is impossible to beat. But in the World of Goo everything's possible!

OCD = 24 balls.
I think that more is possible, but OCD should be achievable for common player (and me).

This level is derived from Drool. It uses really beautiful, custom animation.


Member for
15 years 15 weeks


Addin AuthorToo Much Free TimeSerious OCD