
durr's picture

World of Goo

Towers by durr

durr hasn't uploaded any World of Goo Corporation towers.

Addins by durr

Hello World 2

The Level

This is my first level. Its an easy level. This is the first level to have normal gooballs in an ish themed level as far as I know.

balls required,9
OCD,21 goos

Internet Balls

bit 1.0

This mod changes bit into the internet explorer icon,changes pilot into the fire fox icon and changes pixel into the google chrome icon. this is the 2nd version of my last goomod. which is alot better then the last version.

Balloon Eyes

Flying Machine

This mod edits the balls.xml file in the balloon folder and adds eyes to the balloon gooballs. I think no one ever thought of this before,and this is my first goomod! Big smile


Member for
15 years 29 weeks


GameGooGround ParticipantAddin Author