Rusty Ravine

Authors: DemonGamer, Volcanojungle
Total downloads: 192
Latest version: 0.1
Release date: 01/20/2024 - 01:48
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Your rating: None Average: 5 (2 votes)
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Your rating: None Average: 1.5 (2 votes)

Once again, another level I created for Volcanojungle's mod.

I didn't plan on releasing this, but the mod is currently in slow development and I just really love this level!

(assets created by Volcanojungle and Abyss)

World of Goo: Rusty Ravine (OCD 28 Balls)
World of Goo: Rusty Ravine (OCD 28 Balls)
by DemonGamer.

There is 1 video.

There are 2 screenshots.

VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
0.1AllSat, 01/20/2024 - 01:48com.goofans.DemonGamer.RustyRavine.goomod1.55 MB192

There is 1 current download.