World of Goo in PlazTiK 3D

Le PlazTiK 3D Author: .SlipKnoT._2_2
Total downloads: 1,826
Latest version: 2.1
Release date: 10/16/2014 - 23:09
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with GooTool
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World of Goo in PlazTiK 3D is my second theme. It makes the whole game look like in plastic covers.

Note:The full version is now available. Just go to this dropbox link to download my full version.


It now comes in separate chapters!

There are 5 screenshots.

Le PlazTiK 3D
PlazTiK Logo Original
PlazTiK Logo Camouflage
VersionPlatformRelease DateFilenameSizeDownloads
2.1AllThu, 10/16/2014 - 23:09com.goofans.SlipKnoT.22.S2.Wog3DInPlazTiK3DC1.goomod17.03 MB1,060
1.0AllTue, 09/02/2014 - 13:44com.goofans.SlipKnoT.22.S2.Wog3DInPlazTiK3DFree.goomod17.84 MB766

There are 2 current downloads.