Wow it’s been some time.
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Tue, 04/02/2019 - 11:33
I’ve been around here since I was 13 and here I am almost 19 this month. Time really does fly. I remember all the crazy and dumb drama a created so long ago on infernofans and some other forum. Anyways the past is behind us. It feels strange being here after so long and being older and stuff. Hello everyone.
Oh hey again.
Welcome back!
Surprisingly enough, the community isn't actually dead. In fact, it seems like there's quite a couple people in the goofans community now. Of course, there are barely any addins nowadays. It's probably because most people try to develop chapters though, so I supposed it's like some double-edged sword.
Other than that, the forums are basically barren wastelands, with the occasional spammer. Most goofan discussion takes place on discord on this server.
I think that's the major stuff you missed. Other details don't come to mind at the moment.
Well, have fun goomodding and once again, welcome back.
I made goomods.