Goofans United
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Sat, 11/07/2015 - 21:49
Hi! This is .SlipKnoT.22! I just happen to remember that some goofans members will be participating in the debut Goofans United Chapter.
1. .SlipKnoT._2_2
2. Maybe Super
3. Nick-bit
4. RobbyJaiel
5. tanjinsong
6. Narkisim
7. KoRn
8. gooey goo
Start making levels.
I have received a few levels from some goofans users.
If ever you want to join, ask me about it.
Glad to see that,fighting.
Random user of goofans site & WoG gamer.
Maniac of osu!game now. Go MU as you want and just PM me.
Hey can I join? I'll start making some levels
Yes you may.
Nerdy Z is coming.