Gootool error

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Joined: 02/10/2009

At 18.00 hrs GMT 24/11/10 I'm getting the popup error message "Internal server error: Undefined offset: 15 at googg.module:42" when trying to backup profile and/or publish profile on wogfans.

Imagination is more important than knowledge - Einstein

Joined: 02/10/2009

I'm on Win 7.
Tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail.

Imagination is more important than knowledge - Einstein

Joined: 09/19/2010

Same popup here. Problem occurs when I attempt to login from GooTool. I tried reverting to GooTool 1.0.2 and saw the same thing. Also I'm running Ubuntu Maverick if it matters.

Obviously I don't have problems logging in normally to the site.

Joined: 02/10/2009


Imagination is more important than knowledge - Einstein

Joined: 05/16/2010

I updated to the new version of gootool. When I press the login button to connect to the site I get the error mentioned in the original post. I can't recall trying to use the login feature anytime recently with the previous version. I am running Windows XP Pro SP3 32-bit.

Joined: 09/19/2010

I tried running wireshark on the net traffic (too bad passwords are sent in the clear ... but I digress) and it appears the error message is coming verbatim from the server, in the HTTP POST /login-test response. The server knows the login information is correct because if I enter an invalid password, it is flagged as such. I also tried manipulating some of the HTTP header-fields (by mucking with from the GooTool 1.0.3 source code) to no avail.

One remotely possible cause: it appears the GooTool-ID header-field is required to be sent (otherwise a different error occurs). I know the GooTool-ID is a randomly-generated number, created once and reused. I don't know where it is stored, but it is probably wiped and re-created on an upgrade of GooTool. I don't suppose changing the GooTool-ID sent could cause an error like this? I only started getting this error after I wiped my GooTool 1.0.2 installation and installed 1.0.3. Then I couldn't get it working again when I downgraded back to 1.0.2. But this could easily all be a red herring since it had been a long time since I tried to login w/GooTool. It could also have been some server-side change in the meantime, or something else completely.

I think we really need somebody familiar with (or at least with access to) the "REST" API code on the goofans server to help here. Normally this would be davidc but he is out last I heard. Will anybody else help (Pavke?)

Joined: 11/04/2008

Sorry about that. This happened when I concluded the GameGround contest. There was a minor coding error in that module which didn't show up on the website, but the API is more sensitive to errors.

It should now be fixed.

buck: Your GooTool-ID is stored in the registry (Windows) or preferences file (Linux/Mac). It's randomly generated and only used for anonymous statistics, so there's no harm done if it's lost.


Joined: 09/19/2010

awesomesauce! Works for me now. Thanks!

Joined: 05/16/2010

Awesome! All fixed. Thanks Laughing out loud

Joined: 02/10/2009

Now fixed for me too. Thanks.

Imagination is more important than knowledge - Einstein