Steam indie pack
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Sun, 08/09/2009 - 17:50
I'm new to this forum and love world of goo. While I'm sure most of you have purchased world of goo, I just wanted to give a heads up that steam is offering an indie pack for 30 bucks that has world of goo, braid, audiosurf, darwinia, everyday shooter, gish, mr. robot, the path, crayon physics, and blueberry garden. This is a great deal. I think this deal may end today but I'm not sure. Well I hope some of u take advantage.
I totally bought into this deal on my Steam. Just wanted to say World of Goo awesome! even better looks like an awesome community. Looking forward to hours, days and weeks spend playing World of Goo and World of Goo 2!
There is no World of Goo 2 and it won't be any.
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