Cyan Universe Discussion
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Thu, 02/09/2017 - 11:40
Discuss the Cyan Universe Project (CUP) here, submit cocept art, ideas and all other things
Discuss the Cyan Universe Project (CUP) here, submit cocept art, ideas and all other things
Benjers Squared: now with more sodium.
How many levels will there be?
I made goomods.
There will be around 60-ish
There is also an ost for it that i am creating
Benjers Squared: now with more sodium.
There will be around 60-ish
There is also an ost for it that i am creating
Benjers Squared: now with more sodium.
There is also an ost for it that i am creating
That is way too many levels for a beginner, but it'd be impressive if you could pull it off.
Also, is the custom music made by you, or is it royalty free?
I made goomods.
Its free, and it is original, And ill email you some snapshots and dev previews if you want that
Benjers Squared: now with more sodium.
I made goomods.
Got any ideas for levels?
Benjers Squared: now with more sodium.
Assuming it takes place during winter, perhaps make it so certain goo balls freeze overtime. I make a concept if you like.
I made goomods.
I have found a thing that makes cyan universe hard to do, i found out i can't add new chapters to it, i have to override other ones :/ ,so to fix this, the project will be split up into seperate addons for other planets, unless there is a source code.
Benjers Squared: now with more sodium.